[UA-EAI] UASG014 - Quick Guide to EAI

Don Hollander don.hollander at icann.org
Sat Jan 13 03:26:10 UTC 2018

Dear all:

Attached is a draft revision to UASG014.

A number of the edits have been hanging around for some time, some are new and added today.

Key questions:

1) Do we revisit and revise this now and then possibly again once the Introduction to EAI is complete or do we wait until the Introduction to EAI is complete?  I’m inclined to do it twice since we’re raising awareness and people may be referencing this more often.

2) I’ve added a section identifying which fields need to be considered when doing EAI retrofitting.   Can someone provide such a list?   Are there also tasks/functions that we need to apply?

3) Should we identify UASG Good Practices where they are not addressed one way or another within the RFCs?   Eg Aliasing vs ‘downgrading’ on the fly.


Don Hollander
Universal Acceptance Steering Group
don.hollander at icann.org
Skype: don_hollander

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