[UA-EAI] Data needed for EAI release

Sarmad Hussain sarmad.hussain at icann.org
Fri May 31 16:54:41 UTC 2019

Dear UA-EAI WG members,


Kindly see the query from the Edelman team below.  They need some nos. and additional information for a communication on EAI, as identified in red in the attached document.  Could you help identify this information?




From: "Ranftl, Jessica" <Jessica.Ranftl at edelman.com <mailto:Jessica.Ranftl at edelman.com> >
Date: Friday, May 24, 2019 at 3:18 PM
To: Don Hollander <don.hollander at icann.org <mailto:don.hollander at icann.org> >
Cc: "Ua-comms-wg at icann.org <mailto:Ua-comms-wg at icann.org> " <Ua-comms-wg at icann.org <mailto:Ua-comms-wg at icann.org> >, Gwen Carlson <gwen.carlson at icann.org <mailto:gwen.carlson at icann.org> >, Anna Ludwig <Anna.Ludwig at edelman.com <mailto:Anna.Ludwig at edelman.com> >, "Ranftl, Jessica" <Jessica.Ranftl at edelman.com <mailto:Jessica.Ranftl at edelman.com> >
Subject: [Ext] Don and Team Input Requested: EAI Release Data Check 


Hi Don and team, apologies for the double mail but we realized this may have been marked as spam when it originally sent yesterday and wanted to recirculate to ensure everyone received it. 


Please note, the Edelman offices are closed on Monday and we will be able to respond to any feedback on Tuesday. Thank you!




From: Ranftl, Jessica 
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2019 4:27 PM
To: 'Don Hollander' <don.hollander at icann.org <mailto:don.hollander at icann.org> >
Cc: 'Ua-comms-wg at icann.org' <Ua-comms-wg at icann.org <mailto:Ua-comms-wg at icann.org> >; 'Gwen Carlson' <gwen.carlson at icann.org <mailto:gwen.carlson at icann.org> >; Ludwig, Anna <Anna.Ludwig at edelman.com <mailto:Anna.Ludwig at edelman.com> >
Subject: Don/Team Input Requested: EAI Release Data Check 


Hi Don and team, 


We are working to finalize the content in the EAI millstone release ASAP and need assistance filling in a few gaps. 


First, the attached Excel document includes current proof for the number of email users and EAI readiness for each company; however, there are gaps called out in red. Can you please help us find recent and public information to update the remaining data? Unfortunately, we will not be able to us our own estimates and will need concrete numbers from a public document to include each company in the release. Further, are there any additional companies that should be included, perhaps from this 2018 whitepaper [uasg.tech] <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__uasg.tech_wp-2Dcontent_uploads_2018_09_UASG021A.pdf&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=eiP-VwxQmiVnPAq2z4nnqrlUBD2WBTHpHG-mUT5aK8E&m=Nf1dR6K9YG-bSsMIc8pkkHygzRmNK1OJpkUSJPfkXoM&s=o7MK4nnhqE_UWmt8t2_KF95cn1-DrKLRCNtYF_bnZQE&e=> ? We added in recent numbers from MSFT 365 consumer and commercial for your consideration. 


Secondly, apologies that I can’t remember if outreach has been made the unquoted companies in the release (Apple, Google, etc.), but it would be ideal to tap our contacts there to see if there is more updated information they’re willing to share. Does anyone have contacts at any of these companies they’re able to reach out to? Either way, Anna and I will at least alert each company’s communication’s department with the release to let them know they’re included. 


Finally, click here to see the current version of the draft press release [onedrive.live.com] <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__onedrive.live.com_view.aspx-3Fresid-3D79368CB9A15396AD-2138762-26ithint-3Dfile-252cdocx-26app-3DWord-26authkey-3D-21AKZCyc62dqzQnmE&d=DwMGaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=eiP-VwxQmiVnPAq2z4nnqrlUBD2WBTHpHG-mUT5aK8E&m=Nf1dR6K9YG-bSsMIc8pkkHygzRmNK1OJpkUSJPfkXoM&s=cVl2B3-QegxbphT5sU-M-xffH_hAbGJ-c1ZSja2vXzs&e=> . We recommend (and have updated the release) to more generally classify the companies as supporting Email Address Internationalization given some companies have achieved EAI in varying degrees (IDNs but not longer TLDs, etc.). We also recommend not listing out specific email user numbers for each company to avoid undue scrutiny. 


Thank you, Don and team!



Jessica and Anna


Jessica Ranftl | Edelman Seattle

1601 5th Avenue, 24th Floor Seattle, WA 98101 

Office: 206.664.8639 Mobile: 206-693-8134



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