[UA-EAI] Self-Nomination for UASG- EAI working group Vice Chair

Fariz Ahmadi farizahmadi at protonmail.com
Tue Dec 1 07:32:12 UTC 2020

I Support Nitin's candidacy for the position of Vice Chair and hope that he will eventually team up with this time with Mark Svancarek Chair of the EAI Working Group to continue EAI's successful work.


Fariz Ahmadi

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, November 27, 2020 9:34 AM, Nitin Walia <nitin at xgenplus.com> wrote:

>> Dear working group members,
>> I gratefully submit my nomination for UASG- EAI working group Vice Chair.
>> My background in technology is of two decades explicitly in which maximum period went around Internet, Software, and Email & Antispam Technologies. I presently holds position of Director in Data Xgen Technologies, a company well-known for bringing First fully complied EAI Email software and serving over 50 Million email users globally. Presently I am also on Nasscom Product council for 2019-2021 & Part of National Committee to develop a Model RFP template for Software Products under NPSP 2019.
>> I am advocating EAI & IDNs from almost past several years and I have developed and delivered several presentations and done workshops on various national and international platforms on issues surrounding universal acceptance & email address internationalization. I regularly attended ICANN, APTLD, IGF meetings and presented on UA & EAI in a number of APTLD and IGF meetings.
>> I have always been an active member of this wonderful working group. I am eager to learn, contribute, participate and help us all together as members to fulfil EAI mission. I assure you that it is my priority to do everything to empower our community and its membership to realise true potential and engage effectively within the EAI- working.
>> With humbleness and honesty, I am dedicated to empowering everyone around me transferring them both my knowledge and experiences. I will always be inclusive, open and accessible to all of you and ensure participation and engagement. Everyone should experience the power of EAI and together we make as many application possible which support EAI and offer EAI services.
>> Looking forward to work together to deliver more and reduce frictions across our community.
>> Warm Regards
>> Nitin Walia
>> नितिन वालिया
>> Director
>> निदेशक
>> Data Xgen Technologies
>> डाटा एक्सजेन टेक्नोलॉजीज
>> Email: nitin at xgenplus.com
>> नितिन@एक्सजेनप्लस.भारत
>> Web: www.xgenplus.com
>> एक्सजेनप्लस.भारत
>> Mobile | whatsapp: +919828025000 | Skype id - n_walia
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