[UA-EAI] UA EAI WG Chair and Vice Chair - Request for Self-Nominations

吴秀诚 xn--irrs78fhnm at xn--ubt123i.xn--fiqs8s
Tue Dec 1 07:23:51 UTC 2020

Dear Mark

I  would like to support your self nomination as Chair of the EAI WG.


发件人:"Mark Svancarek \(CELA\) via UA-EAI" <ua-eai at icann.org>
发送时间:2020-12-01 08:39
主题:[UA-EAI] UA EAI WG Chair and Vice Chair - Request for Self-Nominations
收件人:"ua-eaI at ICANN.ORG"<ua-eaI at ICANN.ORG>

Hi, I’d like to self-nominate myself for another term as Chair of the EAI WG.




From: UA-EAI <ua-eai-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Sarmad Hussain
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 11:43 PM
To: ua-eaI at ICANN.ORG
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [UA-EAI] UA EAI WG Chair and Vice Chair - Request for Self-Nominations


Dear all,


On the direction of UASG leadership team, we are inviting self-nominations along with a brief Statement of Interest (SOI) for the positions of chair or vice chair of the UASG Working Group (WG). The self-nomination (indicating the chair or vice chair position) + SOI should be emailed to the WG’s email list by 30 Nov. 2020 (UTC 1200).  Existing chair and vice-chair are eligible as well.


WG members may provide additional input or support for the candidates who self-nominate, and possibly develop a rough consensus for consideration by the UASG leadership team by 9 Dec. 2020 (UTC 1200). 


Based on the feedback received from the WG by 9 Dec. 2020 (UTC 1200), the UASG leadership team will nominate the WG chair and vice-chair for the term from 1 Jan. till 31 Dec. 2021.



You may already know that the chairs and vice chairs of UASG WGs are appointed for one calendar year by the UASG leadership team, as per the WG charters. The UASG leadership team has suggested that for practically managing these (re-)appointments, these appointments be aligned with the calendar years, from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. each year. 



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