[UA-EAI] WhatWG issue regarding <input type="email"> is open (#4562)

Paul Borokhov borokhov at apple.com
Mon Jun 8 20:19:55 UTC 2020

> 8 июня 2020 г., в 13:12, John Levine <john.levine at standcore.com> написал(а):
>>> Re the arguments about two mail field types, you're right but the main
>>> benefit if an eaimail field is to let web designers add mail features to
>>> web sites in non-Latin languages for users who don't have ASCII addresses.
>> What kinds of features? I fail to understand why we would burden developers with two distinct email address input field types, when tons of them aren’t even using the sole one that already exists.
> If there's only going to be one kind of mail field, it'll be an ASCII mail field because that's what the majority of MTAs still support.


The distance between a webpage author and an MTA is so huge that I doubt most web developers even know what an MTA is, much less whether it supports EAI.

> For EAI addresses, I'm thinking of web pages in, say, Thai, intended for people who read Thai, and who exchange mail in Thai.  They exist, we heard about them at a tech day talk last year.  The current email input field would be useless in that application because the Thai users don't have ASCII addresses, they have Thai addresses.

Indeed, the suggestion here is to just allow the standard email input field to accept full Unicode in their input.
>> Btw, the “email” type by itself is quite meaningless even today from a validation perspective, because not all websites accept valid email formats for non-EAI email. e.g. plenty of websites will barf at + in the email address even though it is completely valid.
> If they look at the WHATWG HTML spec, which I realize is beyond the ability of some web developers, it hasea Javascript regular expression to validate e-mail addresses which is a reasonably good match to what real mail systems accept, with plus signs and such.  I've talked to reasonably sophisticated developers who do use that validation pattern and you see copies of it in mail libraries in PHP and the like.
> https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#e-mail-state-(type=email)

Yeah, the question still remains why the change in https://github.com/w3c/html/pull/1163 was lost in the transition to https://github.com/whatwg/html.

> Regards,
> John Levine, john.levine at standcore.com
> Standcore LLC

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