[UA-EAI] [Ext] RE: EAI support in email tools and services

John Levine john.levine at standcore.com
Wed Oct 28 18:37:27 UTC 2020

In article <i8RyV8ulleVW95zTcJOXNcwm4aeCjTcuhdvzk8cOCKek6RNPxDTCkY7jCRLWZpmZPXde15pwqSUya4yswZfnGj-RJqjNjehURaH3W1xxpOQ=@protonmail.com> you write:
>That's a great idea, The report must have that clearly mentioned which email solution is Fully EAI ready and which is
>Partly and which is not EAI ready at all

It's not that simple, because few of these products try to be

For example, Postfix and Exim do a good job as MSA and MTA, but for a
full mail system you need an MDA, perhaps a webmail (Roundcube might
do it) and MUAs for your users. The only MDA we've tested that has
working EAI features is Courier, but it hardly matters since there are
no MUAs we've found that would use those features.

None of the products we tested pass every test, but some work well
enough if you limit what you do. Coremail works well for EAI if you
use their web mail and their Chinese domains, but their Lunkr MUA app
and their IMAP or POP servers don't do EAI well at all. Gmail and the
Microsoft webmail products are good L1 EAI tools, but again their
POP and IMAP don't have EAI features so they don't work well for
EAI with an external MUA.

As I said before, I could add a column that somehow combined the
scores from other columns, but I think that would be more likely to
confuse people than to be helpful.


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