[UA-EAI] Draft page content for EAI self-certification project <https://uasg.tech/eai-certification>

Jim DeLaHunt list+uasg at jdlh.com
Wed Mar 8 22:39:51 UTC 2023


Here is text for a web page at <https://uasg.tech/eai-certification>. 
This can replace the redirect currently at that URL which links to the 
working draft of the EAI Self-Certification Guide document. I recognise 
that there are a lot of requests for website updates. However, this is 
intended to be a simple edit. I hope it could be accomplished before the 
ICANN76 presentation on 15 March.

I have written this in simplified HTML. Whoever enters this as a webpage 
should replace <A HREF="aaa">bbb</A> with a hyperlink having link text 
"bbb" and a link destination of "aaa", and instead of the text 
<TITLE>ccc</TITLE> enter "ccc" as the title of the page, etc. There is a 
link to an email address. It is fine to protect that from spammers if 
this website has a method for doing so.


<TITLE>EAI Self-Certification Program</TITLE>

<H1>EAI Self-Certification Program</H1>

UASG has a self-certification program to help create of a market for 
UA-ready email services and tools. We define Email Address 
Internationalization (EAI) support levels so that motivated vendors and 
service providers have a way to compete based on the quality of their 
Universal Acceptance readiness, and customers have a way to compare 
products, services, and system providers to each other.

<H2>Program Instructions</H2>

The EAI Self-Certification Program is still being set up. Once 
instructions and documents are complete, they will be linked to from 
here, <A 

<H2>For more information</H2>

Questions about the program may be directed to <A 
HREF="mailto:info at uasg.tech">info at uasg.tech</A>. Vendors who are 
performing self-certification may direct questions about the process and 
tests to this address as well.

This is a <A 
draft of the <I>EAI-Readiness Self-Certification Guide</I> document</A>. 
We would be glad for you to review it and send us your comments.


(For people who missed the EAI WG meeting 7 March UTC, we agreed that 
<https://uasg.tech/eai-certification> would be a long-lasting URL of a 
portal to the EAI self-certification materials: the Guide document, 
instructions, links to a scoring system, sample tests, etc. The support 
email address is <info at uasg.tech>. This text is just to fill the page 
until we have time to write more and better content for this page. The 
URL is already live as a redirect to a Google Doc, and the ICANN76 
presentation includes the URL.)

I understand that there are many improvements we could make to this 
page. I am in favour of getting this content live right away, then 
making frequent incremental improvements, rather than holding up any 
page at all until we have something perfect.

Questions? Please ask me. I'm happy to clarify anything that might be 

Thank you!
      —Jim DeLaHunt

     --Jim DeLaHunt, jdlh at jdlh.com     http://blog.jdlh.com/ (http://jdlh.com/)
       multilingual websites consultant, Vancouver, Canada

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