[UA-EAI] UA EAI WG Meeting, Tuesday UTC 1400

Yin May Oo yinmay.oo at icann.org
Mon Sep 25 18:15:28 UTC 2023

Dear UA-EAI WG members,

You are invited to join the meeting on Tuesday, 26 September 2023, UTC 14:00.
(Please note that this meeting is moved up 30 minutes from normal occurrence at UTC14:30.)

Please join the UA EAI WG meeting by the following zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting
https://icann.zoom.us/j/94764035529?pwd=RW5ndHQvNEtaS2NaRzBxaGJRaTkxUT09 [icann.zoom.us]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/icann.zoom.us/j/94764035529?pwd=RW5ndHQvNEtaS2NaRzBxaGJRaTkxUT09__;!!PtGJab4!8p4wxxFPl8KPYipZ_WF71Ay-SwWXEZ8vrTRXmZI4xdE_llMiDqZCld06yw8zuPplDBbPbBpgSoOu6SAQaARXbg$>

Meeting ID: 947 6403 5529
Passcode: uaeai-2TUE

Kind regards,
Yin May

Note: Please be reminded that this is a working group meeting and all participants are individuals.
While joining the zoom meeting, you need to join with your first name and last name as we do not allow any unknown participants.
Thank you for your understanding.

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