[Party1] Face to face in Istanbul - Sunday evening 22 March

Jordan Carter jordan at internetnz.net.nz
Tue Mar 3 14:06:53 UTC 2015

Hi everyone

I thought I had mentioned this elsewhere but here's a fresh thread.

WP2 is having a face to face meeting on Sunday 22nd in the afternoon in
Istanbul. Becky tells me the purpose is to make sure they're clear about
the debate to come at the CCWG meeting, and to generally 'catch up' a bit
with WP1. :-)

I have asked ICANN staff to see if they can find a room for those of us
from WP1 to meet if we would see the need to.

I can see some things we could do at the meeting:

* allocate lead speakers if required in response to the agenda
* keep developing any items we need to be developing at that point
* consider feedback that's come in on the email list from the CCWG in
response to the drafts we give it for the meeting, and be ready to respond
in an agreed way at the F2F

I will be there and available and am happy to convene an informal gathering.

We can risk doing this at the same time as WP2, because there is little
crossover in the active volunteers.

What are your opinions?



Jordan Carter

Chief Executive

04 495 2118 (office) | +64 21 442 649 (mob)
jordan at internetnz.net.nz
Skype: jordancarter

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