[Ws2-hr] Notes, recordings and transcript for WS2 Human Rights Subgroup Meeting # 15 | 6 December

MSSI Secretariat mssi-secretariat at icann.org
Tue Dec 6 20:21:24 UTC 2016

Hello all,

Please see the notes, recordings, and transcript for the CCWG Accountability WS2 Human Rights Subgroup Meeting #15 here;  https://community.icann.org/x/s5PDAw
A copy of the action items and notes may be found below.

Thank you.

With kind regards,
Brenda Brewer, Projects & Operations Assistant
Multistakeholder Strategy & Strategic Initiatives (MSSI)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Notes: (including relevant portions of the chat):
1. Administrivia
Roll call, absentees, SoIs, etc

     *   Audio Only:  Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Kavouss Arasteh
     *   Roll call will be taken from the AC room
     *   No SOI updates.
2. Analysis and discussion on the progress of the drafting team working on the Human Rights Policy and Process Questions

     *   Shared draft document in the AC room.
     *   Link to Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KJfmglI5wBib7T5hgIMMysO7x6J3Oi5NYwN4AItZjkY/edit
     *   Greg presented an overview of the document:
     *   Left-hand column has the additional points that we were asked to work on
     *   The right-hand column has early draft of responses.
     *   Not a lot of work has been done on this until now.
     *   Seeking feedback on this initial draft.
     *   Niels: This work is different from the work on the FoI.
      a.The policies and frameworks, if any, that ICANN needs to develop or enhance in order to fulfill its commitment to respect Human Rights

     *   Niels introduced the section.
     *   David McAuley: this may be a little bit broad. There are things we could suggest.
     *   Greg: We should identify policies or frameworks that need to be developed or enhanced.
      b. Consistent with ICANN’s existing processes and protocols, consider how these new frameworks should be discussed and drafted to ensure broad
multistakeholder involvement in the process
     Consider how the interpretation and implementation of this Bylaw will interact with existing and future ICANN policies and procedures.

     *   Niels introduced the section
     *   Greg: the questions and the answer don't really fit together. First have to answer the 1st question. Suggested implementations will have to be developed further downstream.
     *   David: agrees with Greg.  Should develop HR Impact Assessment.
     *   Erich Schweighofer: A full Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) seems to be a very long shot at
     c. Consider what effect, if any, this Bylaw will have on ICANN’s consideration of advice given by the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC)

     *   Niels: wondering where this question came from in WS1
     *   Greg: need to look into where it came from, but don't see a change needed. We may need to clarify our understanding of the point raised here.
     *   David McAuley (RySG):  I agree w/Greg and implication of Niels question - not sure where this question came from but think the comment is a good one.
     *   To summarize, this document is a good start. We need to clarify the definitions and our understanding of the questions raised.
3. AoB

  *   Javier asking what areas of human rights this subgroup is focusing on.
  *   Niels: the subgroup is following instructions from the CCWG proposal, and now from the HR-FoI that was produced by this subgroup.
  *   David asking that whenever we plan to do a reading, it be clearly noted in the meeting agenda.

Documents Presented

  *   Presentation Meeting 14.pdf<https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/63148979/Presentation%20Meeting%2014.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1481053601925&api=v2>
  *   HumanRightsPolicyandProcessQuestions(1).pdf<https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/63148979/HumanRightsPolicyandProcessQuestions%281%29.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1481053618393&api=v2>

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