[Ws2-hr] Notes, recordings and transcript for WS2 Human Rights Subgroup Meeting # 17 | 20 December

MSSI Secretariat mssi-secretariat at icann.org
Tue Dec 20 22:24:06 UTC 2016

Hello all,

Please see the notes, recordings, and transcript for the CCWG Accountability WS2 Human Rights Subgroup Meeting #17 here;   https://community.icann.org/x/n5TDAw

A copy of the action items and notes may be found below.

Thank you.

With kind regards,
Brenda Brewer, Projects & Operations Assistant
Multistakeholder Strategy & Strategic Initiatives (MSSI)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Notes (including relevant parts of chat):
1. Administrivia
Roll call, absentees, SoIs, etc
·  No updates to SOI noted
·  No questions or comments on draft presented to the Plenary for reading.  Very positive result
·  Working with standard drafting team, wondering if we should take a step back, and discuss our path forward.
2.  Evaluation, or: reculer pour mieux sauter
      a. To what extend does our work entail recommendations for implementation? If so, how detailed should we be? Is this in our mandate
or remit?
      b. Should we review the FoI in the light of the tension between annex 6 and 12) ?
·  Annex 6: https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/58723827/Annex%2006%20-%20FINAL-Revised.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1456255586000&api=v2[community.icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_download_attachments_58723827_Annex-252006-2520-2D-2520FINAL-2DRevised.pdf-3Fversion-3D1-26modificationDate-3D1456255586000-26api-3Dv2&d=DgMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=xjNMRR-fjlgBx7tqUEv8lZv2O9RJyMyqWkymcecegCUuwDxFVsW6VBuvkqKnS_lk&m=pRXfflCkCmOY4qAHV8WXNIeT4D8nkN6M1XvZzngqq0A&s=m_8rjvoMBCSFjHhBQla02EQL8QG5L_pUCvTajbbeHoA&e=>
·  Annex 12: https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/58723827/Annex%2012%20-%20FINAL-Revised.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1456255865000&api=v2[community.icann.org]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_download_attachments_58723827_Annex-252012-2520-2D-2520FINAL-2DRevised.pdf-3Fversion-3D1-26modificationDate-3D1456255865000-26api-3Dv2&d=DgMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=xjNMRR-fjlgBx7tqUEv8lZv2O9RJyMyqWkymcecegCUuwDxFVsW6VBuvkqKnS_lk&m=pRXfflCkCmOY4qAHV8WXNIeT4D8nkN6M1XvZzngqq0A&s=2HA-qCrYWvA3Gc3fRqv5j64mgtDdEgfHb42VH6LpicM&e=>
· Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): To sum up my thoughts on the pending assignements: with the FoI we have covered everything relevant to the interpretation. What is left are aspects of implementation: 1) what policies and frameworks do we need or do we need to improve; 2) how do we do this in a bottom-up and multistakeholder fashion; 3) how does this interact with existing and future policies and procedures; 4) how does this impact on GAC Advice;  5) what is the effect on ICANN operations. We have to decide how deep and far we can and want to get on these 5 topics...
·  David: I agree that the FoI is done, and we should discuss terms of implementation.
·  Paul: it seems to me that the FoI should be referred to as necessary by ICANN moving forward, and it's not for us to nail all the changes that it could imply.
·  Greg: we are not asked to implement the bylaw, in the ICANN sense of implementation.
· Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): I feel we have to touch on the 5 left issues on a very general level, giving some guidance and recommendations on how we think that ICANN (the corporation and the community) should deal with these topics. Agree with Greg: we do not implement, we just give some guidance on how we think implementation should be tackled considering the 5 pending topics we have according to Annex 6 and 12.
·  Rudi Daniel: agree Greg....on providing signposts as within  the framework of interpretation.
·  Kavouss Arasteh 4: We have done what we asked to do and there is no more works to be done
·  avri doria: if we have a question about our scope, why don’t we go back to the main group for an answer?
·  Anne Aikman: I agree with Avri.
·  Jorge Cancio (GAC Switzerland): We can go back to the CCWG Plenary with some idea on what we would prefer to do...
·  Greg: I agree we should maybe make recommendations or give options to the plenary on how we'd like to handle this, rather than ask an open question.
·  Niels proposes to draft an email for the CCWG plenary, explaining what we are struggling with and listing several scenarios to move forward.
·  Anne: would we use the rest of this call to discuss the content of this email?
·  Kavouss Arasteh 4: This group should not be engaged to reconciliating between  annexes 6 and 12
·  Niels: we have 3 options: 1) we are done 2) create a new document with the other elements that we should cover 3) providing examples and adding to the FoI
·  Greg: there is a 4th option: to test the FoI.
·  Anne: we could ask the plenary for examples if we were to pursue option 3).
·  Show of hands: 5-6 Participants agree with this approach.
3. AOB

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