[Ws2-jurisdiction] FW: [CCWG-ACCT] RES: Jurisdiction Proposed Questions and Poll Results

Mueller, Milton L milton at gatech.edu
Thu Dec 29 22:07:19 UTC 2016

Parminder said "I havent seen not only no attempt to explore ways to stop such influence by you, and many others here

Translated, it means:

I just wanted to know what do you propose to do about this clearly identified jurisdiction problem?

MM: First, it isn't all that clearly identified. Other than OFAC, we need to explore the scenarios, if any, in which it might have impact. The current Q4, as I have said, does a lousy job of this.

PS: Further, if going down an international treaty route is problematic for you, do you think jurisdictional immunity under the International Organisations Immunities Act is a good way to address this jurisdictional problem?

MM: International treaty would take decades, and given the irrationality of inter-state rivalries, seems unlikely ever to produce a good solution.

MM: The IOIA isn't all that promising, keep in mind that to qualify as an "international organization" under that Act the US Congress has to recognize the organization as such and thus you would be bringing ICANN back under the authority of the US congress, which doesn't seem so nice after the Republican takeover and our experiences last September. Indeed, the IOIA was designed with state-based, diplomatic organizations in mind - it applies to the UN, the Holy See and the European Central Bank for example. So your holding up of this option is what drives Corwin's sense that this debate is about whether ICANN turns into an IGO.  Finally, the exemptions of the IOIA confer all kinds of immunities on the organization that we might not want, such as exemptions from property and income taxes (I know you are a big fan of those) and worse, immunity from lawsuits. Are you kidding me? You want ICANN to be immune from lawsuits?

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