[Ws2-ombudsman] Ombudsman Assessment: Posting of RFP.

Lars Hoffmann lars.hoffmann at icann.org
Tue Jan 3 17:14:02 UTC 2017

Dear all,


First, let me wish you and your families a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2017!


Seeing that there were no further comments on the list – not by the deadline nor by today – we will start the posting process of the RFP. We will inform you once it has gone online and we would also encourage you to disseminate the announcement (once published) as widely as possible.


The next step for you, as far as the Assessment is concerned, will be to provide feedback on the applications received. We will keep you informed on the timing of that next step once we have cleared all procedural hurdles to post the RFP.


Many thanks and best wishes,







From: <ws2-ombudsman-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Lars Hoffmann <lars.hoffmann at icann.org>
Date: Friday 23 December 2016 at 11:28
To: "ws2-ombudsman at icann.org" <ws2-ombudsman at icann.org>
Subject: [Ws2-ombudsman] Ombudsman Assessment: Updated RFP


Dear IOO-DT,


Thank you very much for your feedback on the RFP. I have incorporated almost all of your edits and suggestions into the new iteration of the document. I also left some of your comments in the document, adding answer to them.


You find attached a redline copy (track changes to the first copy I sent last week) and a clean copy (both in MS Word and PDF form).


Before you read through the update, there are four points we would like to make in explanation to the updated RFP:


·         Some of you noted that 1.5 months might not be enough time for the review. While we do not disagree with that assessment per se, please bear in mind the following: a 6-7 week turnaround time for a professional organization might be a sufficient amount of time; the proposed timeline dovetails with the WS2 work; if an extension is needed that can be discussed and decided at that time. Therefore, we would like to keep the timeline as is.

·         There was an addition for applicants to provide client lists of previous review. While we understand that that might be very helpful it is something that very few (if any) professional consulting companies are willing to share and would thus limit the applicant pool considerably. The ICANN procurement due diligence process involves various steps to validate and probe experience, including interviewing the bidders and a reference check for final candidates. (see Section 3.0 / No.5)

·         One of you added an addition step of evaluation by the IOO-DT of applications. The IOO-DT will of course be able to provide feedback on the evaluation. However, this will be part of the initial and final evaluation steps that are already in the table on p. 10. I have modified the table to assure this will the case.

·         Some comments indicated mandating a travel to ICANN58 in the RFP. We would discourage this. The timeline is, as mentioned above, not set in stone, maybe the start date will be delayed because of a lack or a glut of applicants – so Copenhagen would be an impossibility. Of course, we have a budget to send the assessor(s) to Copenhagen and are ready to do so. Consequently, we added under a relevant note to the ‘Business Requirements’.


We will publish this RFP in the first week of January- if you have any additional feedback, please submit them no later than 27 December 23:59 UTC. If need be, I suggest we hold an impromptu conference call on 2 January.


Many thanks, best wishes, and happy holidays! 











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