[Ws2-ombudsman] Notes, recordings and transcript for WS2 Ombudsman Subgroup Meeting #18 | 06 March 2017

MSSI Secretariat mssi-secretariat at icann.org
Mon Mar 6 22:08:58 UTC 2017

Hello all,

The notes, recordings and transcripts for CCWG Accountability WS2_ CCWG Ombudsman Subgroup, Meeting #18 -  06 March 2017 will be available here:  https://community.icann.org/x/EqrRAw

A copy of the notes may be found below.

Kind Regards,
Yvette Guigneaux
Multi-Stakeholder & Strategic Initiative Asst.
Email:  yvette.guigneaux at icann.org<mailto:yvette.guigneaux at icann.org>
Cell:  +1-310-460-8432
Skype:  yvette.guigneaux.icann

12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300
Playa Vista, CA 90094

Notes  (including portions of the chat):
1. Roll Call / Apologies - Welcome
2. Report from staff external review of the ICANN Ombudsman Office
- Lars went over the RFP vendor assessment for the Ombudsman Review.  Overview of the
procurement process that was unertaken to review the bidders and determine after assessmemnt by several members against the criteria that was identified.  The most important
element was understanding and knowledage of Ombudsman and ICANN.  When over the
evaluation criteria that was used.  After review contracted with Cameron Ralph LLC to
conduct the review of the Ombudsman.
For additional information see Cameron Ralph, LLC in case anyone needs it - http://crkhoury.com.au[crkhoury.com.au]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__crkhoury.com.au&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=xjNMRR-fjlgBx7tqUEv8lZv2O9RJyMyqWkymcecegCUuwDxFVsW6VBuvkqKnS_lk&m=5r0YcyZ_pzDWqOtIt37T696Da5zHdME4t_TtM7R1Jfs&s=Pzx5dssS9lAQqm0Uzo6Mv-ntiXLD1FR51GGDZg8lFwA&e=>/

- Vendor will be attend the ICANN58 meeting in Copenhagen.  Potential for Subgroup to
hold a call with the vendor and discussion relevant detaials that might be relevant for the
review.   Possible meeting at ICANN58 with vendor and subgroup particpants.

Questions raised:
Asha - Budget who is paying for vendor travel, ICANN will pay for travel and the dates are
Friday (10) to Tuesday (14).  They will be available to meet during these times.
CLO - noted prior experience with vendor, however the report was for adAU Board on
Sebastien - potential issues, raised questions with prior work and assessment
Asha - question on expertise - review slide on expertise of vendor.  Can the cost of the
review be shared?    Will investigate if the cost can be shared for transparency.  Will share
what can be shared.
Sebastien- Did you know of the selected vendor's role in auAD work on goverance?  Will need to check into list of expernences and will provide response.
Lars - can a call be arranged for Tuesday with the vendor?
Asha - question on timeline for the assessment.  Response still within the boundary's of the
timeline estimate. All canidates were asked if they could be flexible and work longer on the
reivew if more time was determined to be needed, in particular if the WS2 timeline was
extended.  Discussion raised the importance of having a good report over staying with the
current timeline.

ACTION ITEM:  Send out Doodle poll to select time to hols a call with the vendor on
Tuesday (7 March), proposed 11 am in Australia
NOTED that time for the call is a one time exception to the set WS2 call slots to accomodate holding the call with the vendor.  Also suggestion to include 0500 UTC as a possilbe time slot for the call
Question - do we need a face-to-face meeting with the vendor during ICANN58?
ACTION ITEM - Work with Staff to arrange a meeting with vendor in Copenhagen,
including a room.  Potential to ask Herb to use the Ombudsman Office as the location for themeeting
ACTION ITEM - develop a list of people to attend the meeting with the vendor - send a noteto subgroup list with some information to reivew and to send to Sebastien and Lars and list
of people to reach out to.
Sebastien noted disappointed that subgroup or a portion of the group was not involved in theselction process...  Hope that in the future that others might be involoved

3. Possible road map and timeline
4. Review of the draft document prepared by Sebastien "ICANN Offices Ombudsman,
Complaints &?"
"5. Complaints" Offices
6. Next meeting - Calendar
Reviewed the dates that have been scheduled for future meetings through May 2017
7. AOB
Reviewed the work interdependencies with Ombudsman subgroup work

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