Re: [lac-discuss-en] [At-Large] Fwd: [icann-board] Important paper from OCTO

Dear all,
In the following link you will find a white paper by ICANN Org about the Domain 
Abuse Activity Reporting (DAAR): 
The white paper originally called for experts to review the DAAR methodology. 
Now the reviews are finalized and available for comments.
ICANN is asking for comments on the reports of the reviews by August 24.
Through these documents you will find information on phishing, malware hosting, 
botnet command-control and spam delivery as threats for cyberattacks.
I bring this to your attention as I believe this is core to the end usersâ?? 
interests and At-Larges mission.
I hope you find this information useful.
Best regards,
_______________________________________________ At-Large mailing list 
At-Large@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  At-Large Official 

       Kris Seeburn seeburn.k@xxxxxxxxx LinkedIn:  
"Life is a Beach, it all depends at how you look at it"