Re: [lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Fwd: Regional Advice needed ALS Application 198 ISOC Venezuela

Thanks Humberto, normally ISOC formal organizations are very good participants 
and would be good in my opinion to have one more from our region. 

Vanda Scartezini
Sent from my iPad
Sorry for any typos and misspellings

> On 23/04/2014, at 13:40, Humberto Carrasco <hcarrascob@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Estimados todos,
> Les reenvÃo correo solicitando loa opiniÃn de la regiÃn respecto de esta 
> candidatura a miembro de LACRALO por parte de ISOC Venezuela.
> He revisado el DD y a mi juicio no hay informaciÃn sensible.
> El plazo para emitir  opinion vence el 5 de mayo del 2014. Solicitarà se abra 
> una pÃgina wiki para dejar constancia de las opiniones.
> Saludos
> Dear All,
> I am forwarding an mail requesting the opinion of the region for the ISOC 
> Venezuela application in orde to be a LACRALO member.
> I have reviewed the DD and in my opinion there is no sensitive information.
> The deadline for issuing an opinion expires in May 5, 2014. I will ask to 
> open a wiki page to record any opinion.
> Regards
> Dear Humberto,
> On the 17^th March 2014, we received an LACRALO ALS application from ISOC 
> Venezuela.
> Please find the Due Diligence form and the Bylaws attached.
> We kindly ask you to provide us with the regional advice for this ALS in your 
> capacity as LACRALO Secretary. Your advice will support the ALAC review on 
> this application.
> According to our timeline for ALS applications, the due date for the regional 
> advice is the 05^th May  2014.
> We would like to remind you that the DD form could contain sensitive 
> information. Please read the form carefully before sending it off to third 
> parties.
> Regards,
> Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie  
> Peregrine and Terri Agnew
> ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
> Email: staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> <mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%3cmailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
> <registro>
> <DD form ISOC Venezuela.pdf>
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