Re: [lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Alcance y Compromiso SC

Para poder completar el pedido Karlene, serÃas tan amable de indicarme a que 
ALS perteneces?
Muchas gracias.
Alberto Soto

Enviado desde mi ASUS

-------- Mensaje original --------
Enviado:Thu, 18 Feb 2016 08:37:55 -0300
Asunto:Re: [lac-discuss-es] Alcance y Compromiso SC

>[[--Translated text (en -> es)--]]
> Asunto: Re: Alcance y Compromiso SC 
> De: karlenef@xxxxxxxxx
> Estimado Alberto, 
> Es lamentable que todavÃa existen tan enorme nivel de desconfianza en 
> LACRALO. La situaciÃn es ahora insostenible. Por favor retire mi nombre de 
> todas las listas de correo. No deseo ser un miembro de este grupo. 
> Saludos, 
> karlene Francisco 
>> On 17 Feb 2016, at 7:48 PM, Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Dear Alberto,
>> I will comment on the issues of the Outreach and Engagement and CROPP issues 
>> separately. Despite the two groups being chaired by the same person, they 
>> operate under different rules and processes.
>> Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement
>> The Subcommittee (SC) is composed of two members named by each RALO plus any 
>> other people that chose to participate. Operationally, the SC does not 
>> distinguish between the two types of participants. The SC leadership is 
>> selected by the SC itself. See ( 
>>  ) for further details.
>> There are 14 members from LACRALO, more than from any other region. 
>> Any work product of the SC should be a product of the entire SC, or at least 
>> those who choose to be active and participate. That certainly should include 
>> the official members selected by the region. The SC may decide to ask RALOs 
>> for input, but even if it doesnÃâât, it is the responsibility of the 
>> regional members to ensure that the region is involved. In a 
>> multistakeholder environment, every participant cannot get exactly what they 
>> want, but every participant should have an opportunity to be heard. If a 
>> work product is about a particular region (as it is for the CROPP 
>> strategies), that region clearly has a very important role to play. In the 
>> case of LACRALO, we go to great efforts to ensure that the SC has Spanish 
>> interpretation to ensure that your members can participate equitably.
>> To the best of my knowledge, there has been no major complaint from within 
>> the SC that people are not being listened to. 
>> The Independence of RALOs, like most things in life, is not absolute. In 
>> many cases, an ALAC SC or WG carries out work on behalf of ALAC and 
>> At-Large. They do this with the participation of people from all regions. 
>> Generally these decisions or documents do not impact what a RALO can do, but 
>> occasionally the ALAC gives a SC explicit responsibility to take action on 
>> behalf of ALAC and At-Large even if the results do not go back to the ALAC 
>> for ratification.
>> In the specific case of the CROPP strategy document, I am not an expert, but 
>> I do not see a wide difference between the resultant document and what I 
>> have heard is of specific interest to LACRALO. The exact words may be 
>> different, but the intent seems the same. But regardless of how I read it, 
>> IF the region has a problem, it should be dealt with within the SC and by 
>> those appointed by LACRALO to work on the SC. If there is a situation where 
>> the SC members and the Chair and Co-Chairs cannot resolve an issue, I expect 
>> it to be presented to me or the ALAC Leadership Team, ensuring that the ALT 
>> Member from the region is aware of the issue. 
>> You mention that the internal LACRALO document had more concrete details. 
>> That is quite reasonable. As I understand the situation, the plans to be 
>> submitted to GSE did not require that level of detail and implementation. As 
>> long as the two were complementary and did not conflict, there is no problem.
>> CROPP Program
>> Last year, the CROPP program within At-Large was carried out by the CROPP 
>> Review Team (RT) from the previous year. The current RT is composed of two 
>> people from each region, one appointed by the Members of the Finance and 
>> Budget Subcommittee, and one by the Members of the Outreach and Engagement 
>> SC.
>> A requests for use of CROPP funds goes from the originator to the RALO and 
>> then to the CROPP RT. Exactly how the RALO approves a project is up to the 
>> RALO. I suspect that most RALOs do this with their leadership team and 
>> perhaps a few others. Once the CROPP RT is notified by RALO leadership that 
>> a request is approved by the RALO, the CROPP RT must review it. They have 
>> the duty to ensure that the request meets the regional strategy and is in 
>> all ways a good request. If they are not satisfied, they can either reject 
>> the request or refer it back to the originator or RALO for modification. My 
>> understanding is that the LACRALO trip to Haiti and the Dominican Republic 
>> was satisfactory and I do not see the need to review the process it followed 
>> at this time.
>> For the record, Dev Anand Teelucksingh did not travel to Buenos Aires on 
>> CROPP funds. His trip was funded by GSE under a completely different program.
>> I hope that this addresses all of your issues.
>> Regards, Alan
>>> Dear Alan, I am obliged as President of LACRALO to get in touch about this 
>>> issue:
>>> The insistence of the Chairman of a Subcommittee of the ALAC  (Outreach and 
>>> Engagement SC ) in making decisions  which should, by regulation be made 
>>> inside of LACRALO and with full participation of its members ALSs, compels 
>>> me to do so.
>>> Repeated clarifications do not justify such a decision.
>>> Comments from Pisanty and myself have been cited as if they were an 
>>> approval of the Plan generated in the O/E Subcommittee, which acted without 
>>> previously consulting the document which we already had prepared. Both 
>>> mine, and the opinion of Alejandro Pisanty were critical of such document. 
>>> Subsequently, and despite the bad procedure, we, in display of good will 
>>> and seeking peace in our Region, accepted this plan, despite the fact that 
>>> ours had more concrete details about the countries, according to the list 
>>> that I promptly submitted, and long before this Strategic Plan.
>>> The main detail was that the plan  should take into account as a priority,  
>>> those countries that had the lowest rate of Internet penetration, as a way 
>>> to start that required greater support and major actions to coordinate with 
>>> I asked for clarifications to the Chairman of the Subcommittee on our last 
>>> monthly meeting. At that meeting, he not only insisted on his mistake, but 
>>> he confirmed that  the persons forming such Subcommittee would be in charge 
>>> of the implementation of such plan and they were also analyzing the 
>>> alternatives of the CROPP Program for its implementation by of such 
>>> Subcommittee.
>>> In summary: first an ALS presents a project,  which shall be approved by 
>>> consensus within LACRALO and then leadership of LACRALO sends it for 
>>> approval through the CROPP program and then to GSE. 
>>> They are assuming a power which does not correspond to them, even though I  
>>> requested by email and at the last monthly meeting that they did  not.
>>> He also insisted that the Sub-Committee was formed by members of LACRALO, 
>>> erroneously understanding this validated  such actions. 
>>> The MOU that LACRALO has signed with ICANN, gives us the independence in 
>>> decisions, which should be taken within the scope of our Region and within 
>>> our normative discussions area, not within a Sub-Committee of ALAC, despite 
>>> the fact that this is composed of members of LACRALO.
>>> In the links listed in the email below, you can see that a similar program 
>>> for AFRALO was approved by the members of AFRALO on September 21, 2015; of 
>>> APRALO by their leaders on July 3, 2015;  of NARALO by Glenn McKnight 4l 4 
>>> August 2015;  of EURALO by Dev Anand Teelucksingh the 29th September 2015;  
>>> and the LACRALO also by Dev Anand Teelucksingh on September 15, 2015. At 
>>> least for LACRALO, he has taken a role which does not correspond to him. 
>>> In the emails cited by  the Chair of the Subcommittee, there are 
>>> inconsistencies such as the exchange of emails for the proposal by Carlton 
>>> Samuels to go to Surinam; this was only presented by Dev Anand Teelucksingh 
>>> in the meeting which we had on the Haiti and Dominican Republic. There was 
>>> such urgency that we did not have time to submit it to LACRALO and 
>>> exceptionally we decided with Humberto at that  meeting so as to avoid 
>>> losing  our CROPP trip allocation. 
>>> In the meeting previous to the last meeting of ICANN in Buenos Aires, it is 
>>> said that we agreed and published the names of who would travel to such 
>>> meeting. 
>>> CROPP?s  Chair,  Dev Anand Teelucksingh, published such names, but  omitted 
>>> in the list  his own name, because he travelled to Argentina with a travel 
>>> allocation of such program. 
>>> To safeguard our decisions, our autonomy and hoping to avoid future 
>>> inconvenient, I request that  you proceed to issue the appropriate   
>>> Directive to such Subcommittee.
>> At 11/01/2016 07:16 AM, Alberto Soto wrote:
>>> Estimado Alan, me veo obligado como Presidente de LACRALO a ponerme en
>>> contacto por este tema.
>>> La insistencia del Presidente de un SubcomitÃÂ de ALAC (Alcance y compromiso
>>> SC) en tomar decisiones que por norma deben tomarse en el interior de
>>> LACRALO y con participaciÃÂn de sus ALSs miembros, me obliga a ello.
>>> Las repetidas aclaraciones no justifican esa decisiÃÂn.
>>> Se ha citado comentarios de Alejando Pisanty y mÃÂos como si hubieran sido 
>>> de
>>> aprobaciÃÂn del Plan generado en ese subcomitÃÂ sin haber consultado
>>> previamente el documento con el que ya contÃÂbamos. Tanto la opiniÃÂn de
>>> Alejandro como la mÃÂa, eran crÃÂticas de tal documento. A posteriori y 
>>> pese a
>>> ese mal procedimiento, como muestra de buena voluntad y buscando la paz en
>>> nuestra RegiÃÂn, dimos como aceptado dicho Plan, pese a que el nuestro 
>>> tenÃÂa
>>> detalles mÃÂs concretos sobre los paÃÂses, segÃÂn la lista que yo 
>>> oportunamente
>>> presentara, y mucho antes de este Plan EstratÃÂgico. El detalle principal 
>>> era
>>> que se debÃÂa tener en cuenta como prioridad, a aquellos paÃÂses que 
>>> tuvieran
>>> el menor ÃÂndice de penetraciÃÂn de Internet, como una forma de comenzar por
>>> los que requerÃÂan mayor apoyo y mayores acciones a coordinar con GSE de
>>> ICANN.
>>> PedÃÂ aclaraciones al Presidente del SubcomitÃÂ en nuestra ÃÂltima reuniÃÂn
>>> mensual; allÃÂ no solo insistiÃÂ en su error, sino que confirmÃÂ que las
>>> personas integrante de dicho SubcomitÃÂ se harÃÂan cargo de la 
>>> implementaciÃÂn
>>> de dicho plan, y ademÃÂs estaban analizado las alternativas del programa
>>> CROPP para su implementaciÃÂn por parte de dicho SubcomitÃÂ. Como sÃÂntesis 
>>> de
>>> este tema en particular: primero una ALS presenta un proyecto, se aprueba
>>> por consenso en LACRALO y luego el liderazgo de LACRALO lo envÃÂa para su
>>> aprobaciÃÂn al programa CROPP y de allÃÂ a GSE. Se estÃÂn arrogando una
>>> atribuciÃÂn que no corresponde, pese a que se pidiÃÂ por mail y en la 
>>> ÃÂltima
>>> reuniÃÂn mensual  que no lo hicieran.
>>> TambiÃÂn insistiÃÂ en que dicho subcomitÃÂ estaba conformado por miembros de
>>> LACRALO, entendiendo errÃÂneamente que ello convalidaba tales acciones. 
>>> El MOU que LACRALO tiene firmado con ICANN, nos da la independencia en las
>>> decisiones, las que deben tomarse dentro del ÃÂmbito de nuestra RegiÃÂn y en
>>> nuestro ÃÂmbito normativo de discusiones, y no dentro de un SubcomitÃÂ de
>>> ALAC, pese a que estÃÂ integrado por miembros de LACRALO.
>>> En los links que estÃÂn indicados en el mail de abajo, se puede ver que el
>>> programa similar de AFRALO fue aprobado por los miembros de AFRALO el 21 de
>>> septiembre de 2015; el de APRALO por sus lÃÂderes el 3 de julio de 2015;  el
>>> de NARALO por Glenn McKnight 4l 4 de agosto de 2015;  el de EURALO por  Dev
>>> Anand Teelucksingh el 29de septiembre de 2015;  y el de LACRALO tambiÃÂn por
>>> Dev Anand Teelucksingh el 15 de septiembre de 2015. Al menos por LACRALO, se
>>> ha tomado una atribuciÃÂn que no le corresponde.
>>> En los mail citados por el Presidente del subcomitÃÂ, hay inconsistencias
>>> tales como el intercambio de correos para la propuesta de Carlton Samuels
>>> para ir a Surinam; esto solo fue presentado por   Dev Anand Teelucksingh en
>>> una reuniÃÂn que mantuvimos por el tema de HaitÃÂ y RepÃÂblica Dominica. Era
>>> con tal urgencia que no tuvimos tiempo de presentarlo ante LACRALO y
>>> excepcionalmente lo definimos con Humberto en esa reuniÃÂn para no perder un
>>> viaje de CROPP. En la reuniÃÂn previa al ÃÂltimo meeting de ICANN en Buenos
>>> Aires, se cita que concordamos y fueron publicados los nombres de quienes
>>> viajarÃÂan a dicho meeting. El Presidente del CROPP,  Dev Anand Teelucksingh
>>> publicÃÂ dichos nombres, pero omitiÃÂ en la lista  el suyo propio, dado que
>>> viajÃÂ con una vacante de dicho programa.
>>> Por el resguardo de nuestras decisiones, nuestra autonomÃÂa, y esperando
>>> evitar futuros inconvenientes, solicito tengas a bien dar la directiva
>>> correspondiente a ese SubcomitÃÂ.
>>> Saludos cordiales
>>> Alberto Soto
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