[lac-discuss-en] About NOMCOM Delegate

Dear LACRALO Members, Due to the 48 hours period given to the LACRALO Community 
to send objections and/or comments regarding the designation of Jose Ovidio 
Salgueiro, as the proposed LACRALO to NOMCOM, only one objection was presented 
by Carlos Gutierrez, based on gender inequality.
About the mentioned concern, it should be addressed that our region had -and 
currently- have women in the NOMCOM (Sylvia Herlein Leite who is the current 
representative) and ALAC (position currently is represented, among others, by 
Vanda Scartezini) positions. In addition to this, our current LACRALO Secretary 
is a female (Maritza Aguero), so the gender diversity and equal opportunities 
are present in our Region.
Thus, we are going to propose Mr. Jose Ovidio  Salgueiro as our candidate for 
the NOMCOM, reminding that this proposal is not binding. Regards,
Humberto Carrasco -  LACRALO ChairMaritza Aguero - LACRALO Secretariat          