Re: [lac-discuss-en] [At-Large] - Price caps - was: The Case for Regulatory Capture at ICANN | Review Signal Blog

Sorry, I forgot until after I sent that that a very significant step in this 
direction has already occurred, in Emannuel Macron's November speech to the 
IGF. I once has some hope that the IGF would offer alternative models to 
ICANN's that would balance public and industry needs, but after years and 
years of existence it has ZERO to show for it. Just offering a place to talk -- 
which is the best reason I have heard that the IGF exists -- has its limits if 
there are never any results.
Macron called for an approach to Internet governance that lies something 
between Californian and Chinese. And he implied that if it doesn't happen 
by internal consensus, it will happen by other means. 
No response so far. 
Tick tock. 
- Evan