Re: [lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] Reminder- Urgent: Consultation NOMCOM Candidate //Urgente: Consulta sobre NominaciÃn candidato NomCom

Dear Vanda,

I was asked about our position, I consulted with my chapter, and this are our views:

* LACRALO is getting less and less representative of the whole of LAC by the day. * Lets at least have a âvoteâ for both the ALAC and the NOMCOM members (failed voting procedures in the past are not reason enough to abolish voting altogether), and * the letÂs have at least the choice for another woman again for the Nomcom. Just to keep up with the (healthy) tradition of trying to keep at least gender balance, even if we exclude the Caribbean men altogether.

if this means Costa Rica has become radical, lets discuss it with my colleagues during the next LACIGF.

Carlos RaÃl GutiÃrrez
+506 8837 7176
Skype: carlos.raulg
Current UTC offset: -6.00 (Costa Rica)
On 24 May 2016, at 16:39, Vanda Scartezini wrote:

Well letâs not be radical on this. Last two round of NOMCOM the representatives were women, Silvia and before myself. As in ALAC this is also true: I am there and before me was Fatima Cambronero our representative. Hence I do not see we, women, are being not well treated inside LACRALO!!!. Indeed LACRALO has better record than ICANN itself!!
Kisses to all

Vanda Scartezini
Polo Consultores Associados
Av. Paulista 1159 # 1004
01311-200 â Sao Paulo/SP â Brazil
Phone: + 55 11 3266-6253
Mobile: + 55 11 98181-1464

From: <lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Carlos Raul Gutierrez <crg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 2:21 PM
To: "Maritza Y. Aguero Minano" <myaguero@xxxxxxx>
Cc: ISOC Costa Rica chapter <jd@xxxxxxxxxxx>, LACRALO discussion list <lac-discuss-en@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, LACRALO <lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-es] Reminder- Urgent: Consultation NOMCOM Candidate //Urgente: Consulta sobre NominaciÃn candidato NomCom

ISOC Costa Rica Chapter objects to the procedure and the fact that this year's candidates to ALAC and NomCom do not represent the gender and cultural diversity of our LAC Region.


1. ISOC Costa Rica Chapter is an incorporated non-profit under Costa Rica law (association sin fines de lucro) Costa Rica Law requires the boards of all incorporated non-profit to guarantee gender balance. And we try hard to keep it that way.

2. The Costa Rican Congress is presently discussing a reform of the electoral code, that every party has to submit an elections candidate list base on gender balance.

3. While our present Congress is not gender balanced, the female Group is strong and we have the great honor to have two female Representatives of afrocaribbean decent, even thought from opposing parties: Madame Maureen Clark from the PLN and Madame Epsy Campbell from the PAC.

4. The regional internet community has chosen Sula Batsà as the local host of LACIGF in San Jose this year. Sula Batsà has a long track record of defending the minorities and gender in social and Internet issues.

5. Even the Board of ICANN has made great efforts in terms of gender diversity, and I imagine that part of this success is due to the participation of out great LACRALO female colleagues that have represented and represent today LAC in the NOMCOM.

6. ISOC Costa Rica hopes that our LACRALO leadership will do an extra effort in guaranteeing the gender and cultural diversity of our representatives in ICANN, even before we embark in the important review of our structure that should address the very same.issue praised here as well.

Cc: ISOC Costa Rica Chapter Board

Apartado 1571-1000
On May 24, 2016 10:03 AM, "Maritza Y. Aguero Minano" <myaguero@xxxxxxx<mailto:myaguero@xxxxxxx>> wrote:
Dear LACRALO members,

Just a gentle reminder about this issue.


Estimados miembros de LACRALO,

Enviamos un gentil recordatorio sobre el asunto de la referencia.


From: myaguero@xxxxxxx<mailto:myaguero@xxxxxxx>
To: lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Urgent: Consultation NOMCOM Candidate //Urgente: Consulta sobre NominaciÃn candidato NomCom
Date: Sun, 22 May 2016 23:55:08 -0500
Dear LACRALO Members,

We are launching a 48 hours consultation period in order to confirm Jose Ovideo Salgueiro as the LACRALO Candidate for next period to the ICANN Nominating Committee.

If we do not received substantial objections (regarding the number of ALSs with objections and explaining its reasons), Jose Salgueiro Ovideo will be proposed as the LACRALO Candidate to the mentioned Committee.

This method has been chosen due to the following two reasons:

1. There is only one candidate for this position.
2. LACRALOÂs  decision is not final and binding.


Humberto Carrasco - Chair LACRALO.

Maritza Aguero - Secretariat LACRALO


Estimados Miembros de LACRALO,

Estamos lanzando un perÃodo de consulta de 48 horas para confirmar a Jose Ovideo Salgueiro como el candidato de LACRALO para prÃximo perÃodo al Comità de Nominaciones de ICANN.

En caso de no recibir objeciones sustanciales (en cuanto al numero de ALSs con objeciones y razones de las mismas), Jose Ovideo Salgueiro serà propuesto como candidato de LACRALO para dicho ComitÃ.

Se ha optado por esta modalidad de consulta por dos razones:

1.- Existe sÃlo un candidato a esta posiciÃn.
2.- La decisiÃn de LACRALO no es vinculante.


Humberto Carrasco - Presidente LACRALO.

Maritza Aguero - Secretaria LACRALO

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