[lac-discuss-en] RECORDED / Nominación

Thank you very much for your e-mail.

Your acceptance of the nomination is now recorded.

Thank you.
Kind Regards,
YeÅ?im Nazlar

On 4/29/18, 10:22 PM, "lac-discuss-en on behalf of Humberto Carrasco" 
<lac-discuss-en-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of 
hcarrascob@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    [[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
    Subject:Re:  Nominación
    Desde:Humberto Carrasco <hcarrascob@xxxxxxxxx>
    Dear Javier and Carlton,
    I want to thank you for your support and point out that for me this 
nomination is an honor from you. I want to express that I want to continue 
contributing to LACRALO and ICANN through ALAC.
    It is for the foregoing that I come to formally accept this nomination and 
will be a candidate for the ALAC Member position.
    Humberto Carrasco Blanc Lawyer Associate Professor Economic-Commercial Law 
Universidad Católica del Norte - Coquimbo LLM Queen Mary University of London 
PhD University of Edinburgh
    On 04-24-2018, at 02:04 PM, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx> 
    [[--Translated text (en -> es) -]] [[--This message had format issues and 
was not properly defined--]] Subject: Re: Nomination From: Carlton Samuels 
<carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx> The University of the West Indies supports this 
nomination.Humberto has shown that he deserves our support by actively 
advocating for the renewal of LACRALO and supporting those issues that we 
consider important for renewal. We also believe that he understands the 
collaboration attempt favored by the membership in the ALAC.-Carlton Samuels 
The University of the West Indies ========================== Carlton A Samuels 
Mobile: 876- 818-1799 Strategy, planning, governance, evaluation and change of 
direction = ======================================== : 00 Iskander Geek 
<geek.iskander@xxxxxxxxx> : Dear and dear Good afternoon I want to nominate 
Humberto Carrasco as a candidate for Alac member, based on his experience and 
career, as an antecedent in his professional profile. Lawyer. Bachelor of Legal 
and Social Scie
     nces.Universidad Austral de Chile. Bachelor's degree: "Computer law, 
electronic contracting and computer contracts". Master in Business Law. 
University of Development, Chile. 2001. LLM in Information Technology and 
Communications Law. Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom. 2005. 
PhD. University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 2016. In addition, he has had a 
successful and close representation as President of Lacralo and also his 
vocation on the subject that competes him in his participation in ICANN has 
been and is focused on the end user, where institutions like the one I 
represent expect to be a voice for the defense of them.Greetings and hugs - 
Javier Chandía Rojas www.ciberactivismo.cl www.coquimbodigital.cl 
www.diadeinternet.cl www.cibervoluntarios.cl www.internautachile.cl/nolastimes 
www.conectatealalectura.cl www.internautachile.clhttp: //diarioeldia.cl / 
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