[lac-discuss-en] Blog on the Board’s Montevideo workshop

Dear all,

FYI this interesting message sent by Leon.



De: at-large-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
<at-large-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> en nombre de León Felipe Sánchez 
Ambía <leonfelipe@xxxxxxxxxx>
Enviado: martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017 05:17 p. m.
Para: at-large@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Asunto: [At-Large] Blog on the Board’s Montevideo workshop

Dear all,

It’s just been published a blog post by Steve Crocker summarizing the workshop 
held by the ICANN Board of Directors in Montevideo.

It includes news on the succession process of the Board’s Chair and Vice-Chair.


Kind regards,


Enviado desde mi iPhone