Re: [lac-discuss-es] [lac-discuss-en] Leaving LAC-RALO as an representative

Estimado Omar,

Primero que todo, este mensaje es personal y no como secretario de LACRALO.
Yo no puedo, ni me corresponde opinar respecto del problema interno de tu ex-institución. Sin perjuicio de ello, agradezco todo el tiempo que estuviste en LACRALO y tu participación en nuestra organización. Yo espero sinceramente poder verte en el futuro como parte de una nueva ALS. Te deseo lo mejor en tus nuevos proyectos.

Un abrazo

Dear Omar,

First of all, this message is personal and not as LACRALO secretary.
I neither can or should opine about an internal problem with your former institution. Notwithstanding, I appreciate all the time you were in LACRALO and your participation in our organization. I sincerely hope to see you in the future as part of a new ALS. I wish you the best in your new projects.

A hug

El 24/04/2014 01:23 a.m., Omar Kaminski escribió:
Dear friends and colleagues from LAC-RALO,

I believe most of you know me as the representative of,
the first brazilian ALS accredited in LAC-RALO (in 2006 or 2007).

In the past year we had a disagreement in IBDI (lack of transparency
and unilateral behaviors without consense), and so I give up and leave
the board with 5 or 6 other directors.

I've made an agreement with the new president, Alyne Andrade, that
I'll be participating on Atlas II then I'll pass the status to her.
She accepted.

Now I knew she broke her word and contacted the At Large Staff saying
she will participate in my place. Unfortunatelly she doesn't know
anything about ICANN, RALOs, ALS, etc. As a newbie, she will start all
over again. Good luck for her.

I wish you all the best, and it was a pleasure to be and work with
you. Perhaps I'll be able to create or accredit another institution
under LAC-RALO soon.


Omar Kaminski
lac-discuss-en mailing list
