[lac-discuss-en] Answering questions for election ALAC Member

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Through this email, we respond your questions and comments to the call for the selection of the 2015-2017 ALAC Member from LACRALO replacing Fatima Cambronero.

In this email, we answer the questions and comments made after the call for elections dated August 6, 2015

We will resume the call with the respective corrections promptly.


Alberto y Humberto

*1.- To Antonio Medinaâs questions;*

Is this process for the "selection" o "electionâ of LACRALO representative with the ALAC?
Election : It starts as if nothing would have existed before.

Is Lance Hinds a delegate of an accredited ALS?
yes, his ALS is DEVnet from Guyana.

For this new process, is Lance Hinds prevented from attending?
No, he is not prevented.

In affirmative case, is there any statement in this regard?
In negative case, can he be nominated?
He can be nominated

Are there any other ALSes prevented or ALSes representatives prevented which cannot be nominated?

Only ALSes from Brazil and MÃxico cannot be nominated, as pointed out in the call for nominations.

Is there something else we should know with anticipation so situations as those occurred are not repeated?
The call for nominations will explain it.

*2.- To Alejandro Pisantyâs request *

Alejandro pointed out that the previous call for nominations left a contentious point, which created a controversy in the recent suspended voting process: âthe determination of eligibility of candidates, in particular in this case, the determination in case of possible impairments due to unsolvable conflicts of interestsâ

We have analyzed the possibility to include this requirement, but we cannot find any explicit reference in the Operating Principles or RoPs. Also, each candidate shall complete his Statement of Interest (SOI) , where it can be seen, if there is any conflict of interest. In short, it will be left to each voterâs judgement if any candidate has a conflict of interest or not.

We think that in the future we should include an explicit rule regulating this issue in our organizing documents.

*3.- To FÃtima Cambroneroâs request*

**FÃtima pointed out two errors in the communication we sent. The first one, to exclude the Argentinean nationality for a future candidacy and that the calculation of the timeframes was calendar days not working days.

Regarding the first point, we have debated this and understand that although the norm is not absolutely clear, we shall proceed to adopt the interpretation provided by Fatima and therefore a candidate from Argentina can be a candidate.

With regards to timeframes, they will be adjusted to calendar days and the call for nominations will be re drafted in this sense.