Re: [lac-discuss-en] [ALAC] Fwd: Public Comment: Preliminary Issue Report on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures

Absolutely agree with Carlton. In the first round, it was so very clear that 
very few applicants outside of the developed world, in fact outside of the US, 
were a clear sign that the few measures ALAC managed to get had not worked and 
one of ALAC’s cries was for a review on why there were to few applicants for 
the developing world.  So find time (I will) to go through this to see what 
should be improved for the second round

On 2 Sep 2015, at 1:49 am, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> For those of you who care about what should happen in the event another round 
> of gTLDs is forked by ICANN, this Preliminary Issues Report on Subsequent 
> Procedures would be very important.
> It also a signal it is time for you to get engaged in this process.  
> I have read the Executive Summary and gone straight to the details of matters 
> that were of particular interest to me and in my estimation, the folks whose 
> interests I advocate; developing country economies and social systems where 
> the Internet is about social and economic development and could be our final 
> game changer.  
> I hope my friend and our colleague Evan Leibovitch is taking note here too. 
> For although he has decreased his activities due to changes in his 
> circumstances, his voice and consistent advocacy for positions that impact us 
> still rings in my head on several of the matters raised in the Report.
> The domain name market remains largely the province of the dominant 
> economies.  Developing economies are still largely excluded by one or other 
> barriers, some of them finely tuned for preference and aided and abetted, 
> consciously and unconsciously, by ICANN policies. 
> The Report groups the matters in five (5) broad categories which is quite 
> useful in digesting. But speaking directly to those of us from developing 
> economies and informed by my experience as Co-Chair of the Applicant Support 
> Working Group in the last round, I urge you read closely the details of 
> matters raised in:
> 4.2.3  - Competition, Consumer Trust and Choice
> 4.2.4  - Community Engagement
> 4.2.5  - Applicant Guide Book (AGB)
> 4.2.6  - Clarity of Application Process
> 4.2.7  -  Application Accessed in Rounds
> 4.2.10 -  Application Fees
> 4.2.11  -  Communications
> 4.2.14  -  Support for Applicants from Developing
>                Countries
> 4.2.15  - Different TLD Types
> 4.2.17  -  Variable Fees
> 4.3.5   -  Registrar Discrimination
> 4.3.9   -  Global Public Interest
> 4.4.5   -  Community Applications
> You will find the report (in English) here:
> Please ensure if you have comments you record them in the areas provided by 
> the At-Large or GNSO.  
> -Carlton Samuels
> ==============================
> Carlton A Samuels
> Mobile: 876-818-1799
> Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround
> =============================
> Dear All, 
> This is to let you know that the Public Comment on the Preliminary Issue 
> Report on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures has now gone live: 
> The dates of the Public Comment will be 31 August 2015 — 10 October 2015 
> 23:59 UTC. During this period, anyone can submit comment via 
> comments-new-gtld-subsequent-prelim-31aug15@xxxxxxxxxx 
> As an advisory committee of ICANN, the ALAC submits Statements on Public 
> Comment and advises on policy matters related to the interest of Internet 
> users worldwide. Not just limited to the 15 ALAC members, members from the 
> wider At-Large community are welcome to draft a Statement on behalf of the 
> ALAC. 
> If you are interested in drafting an ALAC Statement on this Public Comment, 
> kindly contact staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx At-Large Staff will follow up and 
> help you understand the procedure. 
> Additionally, the wiki workspace for developing a potential ALAC Statement is 
> here: All pertinent resources for this 
> public comment can also be found there. 
> Regards,
> Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie 
> Peregrine and Terri Agnew
> ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
> E-mail: staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Facebook:
> Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge
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