Re: [lac-discuss-es] Reflexiones sobre la ELA criterios y expectativas Taskforce

Dear Alberto:
It is always a challenge to write in English for this list. Not just
because the translation/interpretation is crappy. But often because we come
from different perspectives.

When I write, please understand it is for meaning, not feeling.

I sense you are unhappy that I refer and use the example of the proposed
'apology as participation' rule in my arguments. I am relieved you are not
disputing the fact. So maybe you feel I am blaming you for it being offered
in the first place.  Perish the thought!

I use it as a metaphor.  Because to my mind by merely suggesting it, a
state of mind is communicated. That this construct surfaced is not and
cannot be a positive for the mind that delivered it.

Here's what else. Policy development and advice are our objectives. That
incident truly degrades my confidence that we have the tools we need to
suggest meaningful and sound policy development advice. And as you know, we
are all concerned that the general LACRALO struggles to contribute here.

The translation may be faulty but it appears you might have been
threatening 'expulsion' from fellowship for my opinions.  I note this
impulse to suppress criticism by contemplating censorship.  So you know, I
detest censorship in the same way I detest hypocrisy. You do have a role as
Chair of LACRALO.  I know it well, I drafted it. Do look at it again.

Kindest regards,

Carlton A Samuels
Mobile: 876-818-1799
*Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*

2015-08-08 19:02 GMT-05:00 Alberto Soto <asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Estimado Carlton, el tema de las disculpas habÃa sido charlado alguna vez
> hace tiempo en alguna reuniÃn de ALAC, y por eso estaba siendo tratado en
> LACRALO y quizÃs no habrÃa que citarlo como una estupidez, sino como una
> colaboraciÃn. Se discutià y se quitÃ.
> AdemÃs, al momento que se planteà quitarlo, fue quitado. Pese a ello es la
> tercera vez que lo estÃs citando como ejemplo.
> QuizÃs la mejora del lenguaje en las reuniones y en las listas,  sea otra
> herramienta valiosa para lograr mayor participaciÃn. El lenguaje
> inadecuado,
> o grosero o insultante, es una causal de alejamiento de los miembros.
> Saludos
> Alberto
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] En nombre de
> carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx
> Enviado el: sÃbado, 8 de agosto de 2015 8:41 p. m.
> Para: lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> CC: LACRALO-EN <lac-discuss-en@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; ALAC
> <alac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Asunto: Re: [lac-discuss-es] Reflexiones sobre la ELA criterios y
> expectativas Taskforce
> [[--Translated text (en -> es)--]]
>  Asunto: Re: Reflexiones sobre la ELA criterios y expectativas Taskforce
>  De: carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx
>  1.
>  El reto està ajustando las bases estructurales de la At-Large
> participaciÃn en ICANN y las percepciones de desempeÃo. Y eso serÃ
> difÃcil,
> en el mejor.
>  MÃs al punto, no estamos viendo el tipo de pensamiento innovador acerca
> mÃtricas de rendimiento que harÃa lo que tà y yo vemos como el valor de
> venir a la  cima.
>  Caso en punto. Tuvimos una situaciÃn reciente en LACRALO donde estaba
> seriamente  propuso que si uno envÃa una disculpa por la falta de
> asistencia
> - * NOTA bien,  puramente no asistir * - una reuniÃn en lÃnea, que deben
> ser
> contados como  participaciÃn!
>  Y, algunos chico ignorante afirmarÃa delito si uno fuera a reflexivamente
> decir en voz alta que la nociÃn expresada ofende incluso la idea de sentido
> comÃn  de lo que es estÃpido.
>  -Carlton
>  ==============================
>  Carlton Un Samuels
>  MÃvil: 876-818-1799
>  * Estrategia, PlaneaciÃn, Gobierno, EvaluaciÃn y plazos de entrega *
> =============================
>  El SÃbado, 08 de agosto 2015 a las 2:37 AM, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
> <ocl@xxxxxxx>
>  escribiÃ:
> > Dear Alan,
> >
> > agreed on all your other points.
> >
> > On 08/08/2015 00:58, Alan Greenberg wrote:
> > >
> > > 3. The latter ones come to meetings, perhaps attend some meetings,
> > > enjoy the local offerings, and go home and forget about us until the
> > > next trip. THOSE are the ones that I have a real problem with.
> >
> > And unfortunately whenever the time comes for having face to face
> > meetings, we treat those people the same way as we treat the people
> > who genuinely want to get involved. It is impossible to build a
> > relationship with people who do not make the effort to keep involved
> > in between face to face meetingsMy argument is that we should identify
> > people who have a genuine interest in helping out and facilitate their
> > involvement in face to face meetings, more often than at GAs every 5
> years.
> > So far, what I have done is to give excellent references to people
> > applying for the fellowship program and whom I judge to be of real
> > potential. But that's not enough since the program is only available
> > for developing nations.
> > This is why I would favour the ability for the ALAC to invite people
> > from their ALSes to an ICANN meeting, based on a skill requirement.
> > For example, the hot topic is about WHOIS, let's invite people whom we
> > know to be privacy experts. The hot topic is about ICANN
> > Accountability - let's invite people who run an ALS that has a need to
> > impeccable accountability. etc.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > Olivier
> >
> [[--Original text (en)
> --]]
> ---
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