Re: [lac-discuss-en] [NA-Discuss] [ALAC-Announce] IMPORTANT - deuxieme / second / Segundo session - FIRST ATLAS III Webinars in EN with ES, FR interpretation

On 2019/04/25 18:39, Alan Greenberg wrote:
> I don't think it is remarkable. It is expected. Hopefully the
> selection process will not fund those with a history of only
> appearing when travel funds are available. Over the last years when I
> was Chair, we had several travel slots per meeting allocated to
> people involved in or likely to be involved in policy work. That
> certainly didn't limit the applications to those who met the
> criteria. But those we selected did meet them. The selection
> committee (in those cases, me and the RALO Chairs) were pretty
> hard-nosed about it.
> I will judge the selection process by how well it excludes those with
> a history of not working between trips...
> Alan
> At 25/04/2019 01:15 PM, Dr. Alejandro Pisanty Baruch wrote:
>> Also: it is remarkable how many from whom we hadn't heard for years
>> are suddenly popping up. Travel to ATLAS does seem a powerful incentive!
>> Alejandro Pisanty
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