[lac-discuss-en] Fwd: [latinoamericann] Workshop "GFCE-Ttiple-I @ LACIGF 2019" en La Paz, Bolivia.

From: "raul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <raul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: 25 July 2019 13:36:56 
GMT-3 To: "LatinoamerICANN" <latinoamericann@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: 
[latinoamericann] Workshop "GFCE-Ttiple-I @ LACIGF 2019" en La Paz, Bolivia. 
Reply-To: "LatinoamerICANN" <latinoamericann@xxxxxxxxxxx>  

   ENGLISH BELOW   Estimad@s colegas:   Les comparto esta información a pedido 
de Maarten Boterman, líder del workshop mencionado.  La iniciativa Triple I 
(Internet Infrastructure Intiative) del GFCE (Global Forum on Cyber Expertise) 
está organizando un Workshop para América Latina en La Paz, Biolivia,  el 
día antes del LACIGF, o sea, el 5 de Agosto, a cargo de Maarten Boterman de 
GNKS Consult.   El taller de GFCE Triple-I para múltiples partes interesadas 
es denominado "GFCE Triple-I @LACIGF 2019".  El lunes 5 de agosto, GFCE 
Triple-I trabajará con LACNIC, LACTLD, LACNOG, Internet Society, ICANN y el 
Capítulo Biolivia de Internet Society en organizar el Día de la Seguridad de 
la Infraestructura de Internet. La intención es crear conciencia e inspirar 
acciones conjuntas para elevar el nivel de confianza en el uso de la 
infraestructura de Internet en la región de América Latina y el Caribe.  
Pueden obtener más información sobre GFCE Triple-I, incluidos los resultados 
de eventos anteriores, en la página de GFCE Triple-I:  
    Los que quieran registrarse para participar en el workshop "GFCE Triple-I 
@LACIGF 2019", pueden hacerlo en https://triple-i-lacigf2019.gfce-events.com/  
El evento será llevado a cabo en ATIX Hotel, La Paz, de 09:00 a 17:30 h.  
Adjunto la agenda del taller (en inglés).    Saludos,   Raúl  ---------   
Dear Colleagues:   Maarten Boterman, leader of the Workshop mentioned in the 
subject, asked us to sahre with all of you this information.  The Triple I 
initiative (Internet Infrastructure Intiative) of the GFCE (Global Forum on 
Cyber Expertise) is organizing a workshop for Latinamerica and the Caribbean in 
La Paz, Biolivia,  back to back with the LACIGF meeting, on August,5 , led by 
Maarten Boterman of GNKS Consult.   Following workshops in 2018 and 2019, GFCE 
Triple-I is bringing its multistakeholder capacity building workshop in Latin 
America, La Paz, Bolivia, during LAC IGF 2019. On Monday 5 August 2019, GFCE 
Triple-I will work with LACNIC, LACTLD, LACNOG, Internet Society, ICANN and 
ISOC Bolivia, to host The Internet Infrastructure Security Day. Intent is to 
raise awareness and inspire joint action to raise the level of trust in use of 
the Internet infrastructure in the LAC region. For more information about GFCE 
Triple-I, including results of earlier events, please go to the GFCE Triple-I 
    For registration for the 2019 GFCE Triple-I event @LACIGF2019, go to the 
following page:  https://triple-i-lacigf2019.gfce-events.com/   The workshop 
will be held on 5 August 2019 in the ATIX hotel, La Paz, Bolivia, (09:00 â?? 
17:30) please register here.  The agenda of the workshop is attached.   Best 
Regards,    Raúl   __________ You are receiving this message because you're a 
member of the community LatinoamerICANN.  View this contribution on the web 
site https://dgroups.org/_/srbhd65y   A reply to this message will be sent to 
all members of LatinoamerICANN. To reply to sender, send a message to 
raul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. To unsubscribe, send an email to 