Re: [lac-discuss-en] Appointment procedures within SOs/ACs

Thank you Raul. The ammount of issues ALAC is facing are demanding more 
considerations from Ralos participants to not only have  ALAC memebrs opinion 
on relevant issues. Thank to othere like you LACRALo aprticipation is improving 
and lets continue to publich all issue we remember to our colleagues to be 
encouraged to participate. .

On 6/12/16, 6:27 PM, "Carlos RaÃl GutiÃrrez G." <crg@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Dear Vanda,
>thank you for reminding us of this very important issue.
>I donât want to pre-empt a discussion in the LACRALO list, but let me 
>inform you that presently we have to cases pending for careful revision 
>of the procedure in the GNSO Council that call for great attention and 
>careful consideration of the issues the ALAC Chair has raised in his 
>note. The first one was the undefined election of the Councils Chair in 
>Dublin, and more recent, the selection of the GNSO-GAC liaison. While in 
>both case we had a clear set of rules and formal procedures, in both 
>cases the rules where not enough to solve for eventual uncertainties.
>Looking forward, in my view this the of issues will have to be recorded 
>for the purpose of the ACCT WS2 Sub-teams  on SO/AC Accountability, if 
>only to gain from similar experiences, avoid duplicating work and 
>reaching a common level of transparency in the appointments across the 
>Carlos RaÃl GutiÃrrez
>+506 8837 7176
>Skype: carlos.raulg
>Current UTC offset: -6.00 (Costa Rica)
>On 12 Jun 2016, at 15:15, vanda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> [[--Translated text (en -> es)--]]
>>  Asunto: Re: Candidato ALAC Comità de SelecciÃn
>>  De: vanda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>  Queridos miembros
>>  Creo que este es un problemas adicional Los ALAC donde està tratando 
>> de heverton opiniones mÃs amplias que en sà ALAC. Por favor, 
>> siÃntase libre de expresar su opiniÃn.
>>  Atentamente
>>  Vanda
>>  Enviado desde mi iPad
>>  Lo siento por errores tipogrÃficos y faltas de ortografÃa
>>> On 12 de jun de 2016, at 13:45, Alan Greenberg 
>>> <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Several months ago, we talked about forming (or perhaps reforming 
>>> since there was one when Olivier was Chair) a candidate selection 
>>> committee to make recommendations to the ALAC on the appointment of 
>>> people to various positions.
>>> There are generally two kinds of positions that we consider:
>>> 1. Positions appointed to (or recommended for appointment to, when 
>>> the ALAC does not have the final say) various groups within ICANN. 
>>> Examples include Cross-Community Working Groups (under the current 
>>> rules used for the CWG-Stewardship and the CCWG-Accountability, and 
>>> in the Draft CCWG Framework under consideration), Affirmation of 
>>> Commitments Reviews (a name that probably will change under the 
>>> pending Bylaw changes) and  the CSC overseeing the new IANA. In these 
>>> cases, the appointee has a responsibility to work with the ALAC and 
>>> At-Large, but does not normally formally represent them (thus we have 
>>> found that the appointed members of the CCWG-Accountability have at 
>>> times had different positions on some issues).
>>> 2. Positions where the person is a Liaison to other bodies, generally 
>>> within ICANN, and formally represents the ALAC in those groups. 
>>> Moreover, in some cases, there are specific requirements that must be 
>>> met.
>>> In the past, we have not used a selection committee for this second 
>>> type of appointment, but the importance of them is such that I think 
>>> that we should have formal discussions on the candidates before an 
>>> ALAC vote. Moreover, our Rules of Procedure allow the ALAC to 
>>> re-appoint Liaisons without opening nominations, a practice that some 
>>> people have felt is not appropriate. A selection committee would be 
>>> an ideal place to hold the discussion on whether to do so in any 
>>> given case.
>>> The issue has been discussed within the ALT, and the general feeling 
>>> is that in the case of the first class of appointments, there should 
>>> be a committee similar to that used when Olivier was Chair. 
>>> Specifically, a group composed of ten people, led by the ALAC Chair, 
>>> with five of its members selected by RALOs (according to their own 
>>> rules ands standards) and five selected by the ALAC, one per region 
>>> in each case. Such an ALAC committee is in accordance with RoP 
>>> Section 18.3.
>>> Most (or perhaps all) ALT members feel that using the ALT itself as 
>>> the ALAC Members on the selection committee makes sense (perhaps 
>>> augmented by one additional person from the Chair's region). The ALT 
>>> is selected annually to represent the interests of the regions on the 
>>> leadership team, already works well together and is geared up for 
>>> quick responses. But that is open for discussion.
>>> For appointments of Liaisons and any other positions that formally 
>>> represent the ALAC, there is a strong (but not unanimous) belief in 
>>> the ALT that such recommendations must be made by ALAC members. 
>>> Ultimately, people recommended by this group must represent the ALAC 
>>> and it is ALAC members that must pass judgement. Again, I think the 
>>> ALT is an easy choice for but other alternatives are possible. I 
>>> would have no problem with the RALO appointees also participating in 
>>> the discussions, since they would already understand the 
>>> confidentiality issues related to personnel selection.
>>> Note that in all cases, the selection committee has the option of 
>>> providing one or more candidates for the consideration of the ALAC, 
>>> but with the assurance that all candidates presented to the ALAC meet 
>>> at the very least the minimum requirements.
>>> I would appreciate comments so we can refine this quickly and approve 
>>> it in Helsinki. ALT Members who have varying opinions are of course 
>>> welcome to clearly state their positions.
>>> Alan
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>> [[--Original text (en)
>> --]]
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