Re: [lac-discuss-en] CEO Letter to the C+GAC explaining dot AMAzon...

Dear Olivier,
This is really an interesting point and it is new to me. Maybe now that has diversified into
and is moving its headquarters closer to the Pentagon, they are less intersted 
in the plain .amazon.................
But in any case, the letter speaks of a great set of new PICs. I´m on the road 
and have not been able to see them. Once we know and discuss the PICs, and who 
negotiated them, and how much money they inlcude (those are the first PIC that 
carry an explicit prive tag, apparently) and who blessed them, we all will be 
much wiser. Let´s see if ALAC gets to form its own opinion on theses kindler 
So much for a global equal bottom-up multi-stakeholder model for 
Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez
+506 8837 7176
Aparatado 1571-1000
El 2018-12-03 11:06, Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond escribió:
  Dear Carlos,    unfortunately, there is a deep deep deep error that stems at 
the very root of the "Amazon" problem. ICANN keeps on referring to 
"Amazon" and "Amazon Corporation" - and this is either a 
serious oversight from the drafter of the letter, or is something else which I 
shall not comment on - but you decide.    The real name for "Amazon" 
is Inc.  Stock AMZN -    Had they stuck to their original name, 
they already had their full name under .com.  But sometimes in 2011-2012 they 
changed their trading name to "Amazon" as they started releasing 
branded products. I am surprised nobody picked on that. In my view, the whole 
saga between the two (three?) sides is conducted in a very poor way and could 
have been resolved some time ago. <sigh>  Kindest regards,    Olivier    
On 03/12/2018 12:20, Carlos Raul Gutierrez wrote:
  [[--Translated text (es -> en)--]] Subject:Re: CEO Letter to the C+GAC 
explaining dot AMAzon... Desde:Carlos Raul Gutierrez <carlosraul@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Thank you Vanda, after reading this I have the feeling I know less than before 
........... yes, but no, but yes? --- Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez 
carlosraul@xxxxxxxxxxxx +506 8837 7176 Aparatado 1571-1000 COSTA RICA On 
2018-12-02 12:39, Vanda Scartezini wrote:
 Dear colleagues Since this is relevant to our region I believe we shall be 
aware and informed about all details. This document reflects the movements and 
explain step by step the negotiation during the last 12 months. Best regards 
Happy Hanukkah to all this celebration is relevant. Vanda Scartezini Polo 
Consultores Associados Av. Paulista 1159, cj 1004 01311-200- Sao Paulo, SP, 
Brazil Land Line: +55 11 3266.6253 Mobile: + 55 11 98181.1464 Sorry for any 
typos. _______________________________________________ lac-discuss-en mailing 
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