[lac-discuss-en] Provide Your Feedback on the Beta At-Large Website

Dear All,

During ICANN 54 in Dublin, the new At-Large Website beta version was launched. 
You can now find it on the internet by typing 
newatlarge.icann.org<https://newatlarge.icann.org/>. From the Staff side, we 
would like to take this opportunity to thank you all again for the great 
contributions and insights that you have provided in building this 
community-driven website!

The beta site testing period will continue through the end of 2015. Your 
feedback is key to the success of the official new At-Large website. During 
this period, please use the beta site often and test its various features and 
functions, such as the ALAC advice search, policy topic pages, Google Calendar, 
and RALO/ALS pages. We are eager to hear about your user experience. To provide 
your feedback, you can:

1. Write to Laura Bengford 
(laura.bengford@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:laura.bengford@xxxxxxxxx>) and/or Ariel Liang 
(ariel.liang@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:ariel.liang@xxxxxxxxx>); Or
2. Log in to Confluence wiki and post your comments on this wiki page, using 
the comment function: https://community.icann.org/x/a69YAw

If you are interested, you may watch the recording of the beta site launch 
presentation in ICANN 54: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p3671617esm (start 
from 00:05:40).

Please note that on December 9, there will be an At-Large Capacity Building 
Webinar on the beta site. Please stay tuned for the webinar details.

To prepare for the launch of the official website, a few more new pages will be 
built out. The team will also conduct final testing with regard to the site's 
mobile responsiveness and accessibility features, as well as finish the content 
migration and static content translations. The official site will be launched 
in January 2016.

To learn more about the At-Large Website Revamp effort, visit its wiki 
workspace at https://community.icann.org/x/tMPhAg.


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine 
and Terri Agnew
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
E-mail: staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>