Re: [lac-discuss-en] ??????????? Q = utf-8 3A_2016_Solicitud_de_candidatu OPEN = = = utf-8 q ras_para_miembros_del_ALAC_ALAC_y_delegados_de_la_Comit = = utf-8 q = C3 = A9_de_nominaciones =

Dear Alberto,

Thank you very much for your e-mail.
Your nomination is now officially recorded.

Thank you.
Kind Regards,
YeÅim Nazlar

On 02/05/16 23:51, "lac-discuss-en-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on
behalf of asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
<lac-discuss-en-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of
asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
> Subject: Re:??????????? Q = utf-8 3A_2016_Solicitud_de_candidatu OPEN =
>= = utf-8 q ras_para_miembros_del_ALAC_ALAC_y_delegados_de_la_Comit = =
>utf-8 q = C3 = A9_de_nominaciones =
> from: asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Dear, coinciding with Vanda, I give my support for Jose Ovidio
>Salgueiro. I have no doubt in their professional and personal conditions
>for that important post.
> Best regards 
> Alberto Soto 
> From: lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:
>lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On behalf of Vanda
> Posted on: Monday, May 2, 2016 2:15 pm
> To: Jose Ovidio Salgueiro <>
> CC: lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-en] OPEN: 2016 Call for Nominations for ALAC
>members and ALAC delegates to the Nominating Committee
> Importance: High 
> You have my support Jose.I think it is well qualified for the position.
>I was already several times in the NOMCOM, even together with you, and I
>have abalizar your work conditions.
> Hug 
> Vanda Scartezini 
> Polo Consultores Associados
> Av. Paulista 1159 # 1004
> 01311-200 - Sao Paulo / SP - Brazil
> Phone: + 55 11 3266-6253
> Mobile: + 55 11 98181-1464
> from: <lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
><mailto:lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> &gt; On Behalf of
>Josà Ovidio Salgueiro <
><> &gt;
> Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 11:47 a.m.
> To: LACRALO Spanish <lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
><mailto:lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> &gt;
> Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-en] OPEN: 2016 Call for Nominations for ALAC
>members and ALAC delegates to the Nominating Committee
> By this I know my interest up to run as a representative for LACRACLO
>the NomCom. 
> I have exercised that office in 2005-06 and 2010-11 previous occasions
>so I am able to exercise and represent the community that chooses me.
> Josà Ovidio Salgueiro
> Caracas Venezuela
> On April 25, 2016, 19:51, <staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
><mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> &gt; He wrote:
> [[Translated text (in -&gt; en) -]]
> Subject: OPEN: 2016 Call for Nominations for ALAC members and ALAC
>delegates to the Nominating Committee
> From: staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> French, Spanish and Chinese below
> FranÃais, anglais ci-dessous et chinois
> French, Spanish and Chinese a continuation
>ææ, èççæ, äæ çè åä
> ** 
> Dear all, 
> On behalf of Alan Greenberg, President of the ALAC, the 2016 call for
>nominations for members of ALAC and ALAC delegates to the Nominating
>Committee it is now open.
> Open positions: 
> Please refer to the ALAC and RALO 2016 Elections, Selections and
>Appointments &lt; 
> And APRALO AFRALO will hold its selection process RALO leaders at the
>same time that the positions of the ALAC and the Nominating Committee
>delegates. NARALO call for applications began on April 11, 2016. Details
>are on pages wispy selection, election and appointment.
> Terms:
> ALAC: Conditions for the ALAC will extend from the end of the AGM 2016
>until the end of the 2018 AGM.
> ALAC delegates to the Nominating Committee: voting Nominating Committee
>are appointed for a period of one year, from 2016 AGM and ends at the
>close of the 2017 AGM and may be reappointed for an additional period of
>one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws &lt;
> Schedule Selection 2016. ALAC ALAC members * - Proposed by the ALAC:
>  * April 26 - Call for nominations and candidate statement **.
>  * April 26 - May 9 - nomination period (Nominations accepted for 10
>  * May 16 - Deadline for accepting nomination Date
>  * May 18 - 25 May 2016 - Elections (If necessary, the elections begin
>no later than one week after the deadline for accepting nomination and
>ending no later than two weeks after the deadline).
>  * 2016 AGM [ICANN 57] - The newly elected ALAC representative will sit
>on the ALAC ALAC Summary Session during the 2016 AGM.
> * Note that the calendar for selecting ALAC members NARALO is different
>than the previous schedule. Please see the NARALO general elections,
>selections and appointments 2016 &lt;
>  1.It is expected that all candidates to submit a brief statement to
>At-Large <mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>&gt; Explaining why they think it is a suitable candidate and has to
>complete or update their Statement of Interest (see: At-Large New SOIs
>Workspace &lt;  
>  2. No one who is currently serving on the Nominating Committee can be
>nominated for the ALAC. See
> Nominating Process:
> Nominations, including self-nominations can be made directly in the 2016
>ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments &lt;
> Regards, 
> ** 
> Chers Tous, 
> Au nom d'Alan Greenberg, president of l'ALAC, l'appel à candidatures
>pour 2016 des membres de l'ALAC ALAC dÃlÃguÃs et de l'est à au NomCom
>this ouvert.
> ouvertes positions:
> Merci de vous rÃfÃrer elections, nominations sÃlections et l'ALAC and
>RALO 2016 &lt;>
> AFRALO et leur APRALO selection tiendront pour les dirigeants leurs RALO
>sur le meme That calendrier et celui de l'ALAC NOMCOM dÃlÃguÃs them. ONT
>NARALO appel à leur start applications will 11 avril 2016. Les details
>sont sur page selection LA, et Ãlections nominations.
> Terms: 
> Â ALAC: Les mandats pour l'dÃrouleront ALAC from the end of 2016 jusqu'Ã
>l'AGA la fin de l'AGA 2018.
> Â Delegates Nominating Committee ALAC au: Les membres du Nominating
>Committee votants nommÃs sont pour un mandat d'un an, Ã l'AGA from 2016
>and terminant à la fin de l'AGA 2017 et peuvent Ãtre pour un nouveau
>rÃÃlus mandat d'un sous rÃserve des demand an in vertu des statuts de
>l'ICANN &lt;  
> 2016 Calendrier pour les membres Selection de l'ALAC ALAC par l'*
>  * April 26 - Indicate l'appel à candidatures of the dÃclaration du
>candidat et ** 
>  * April 26 - 9 mai - Period of nomination (nominations AcceptÃes
>ouvrables pour 10 jours).
>  * 16 mai - Deadline pour les acceptance of the nomination
>  * 18 mai au 25 mai 2016 - Elections (SI nÃcessaires, commenceront les
>Ãlections au plus tard aprÃs une semaine the deadline for acceptance of
>nominations des et au plus tard yes terminera deux semaines aprÃs ce
>  * 2016 AGA [ICANN 57] - Les reprÃsentants de l'ELUS ALAC ALAC sur
>l'prendront place à l'l'AssemblÃe GÃnÃrale theme Annuelle 2016 Session
>pendant l'ClÃture of ALAC.
> * Exception du NARALO: Merci de noter That will pour calendrier
>Selection des membres de l'est diffÃrent NARALO ALAC du ci-dessus du
>calendrier. Voir page: &lt;>  The
>elections, selections et nominations NARALO 2016 &lt;
> ** Notes sur Nominations:
> 1. Tous les Candidats doivent staff soumettre une dÃclaration au brÃve
>At-Large (staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
><mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> &gt;) Yes Yes Pourquoi qui ils pensent
>be approprià one candidat. Tous les Candidats remplir doivent Ãgalement
>mettre à jour ou leur d'intÃrÃt dÃclaration (voir: A &lt;
>>t-Large  New SOI Workspace &lt;
> 2. Une personne qui est actuellement membre du nominating committee ne
>peut Ãtre pour l'nommà ALAC.voir:
> Processus pour nominations:
> Les nominations, y compris les Self-nominations peuvent be directement
>faites sur la page: elections, nominations sÃlections et l'ALAC and RALO
>2016 &lt;>
> Cordialement, 
> ** 
> Dear All, 
> On behalf of Alan Greenberg, Chairman of the ALAC, call 2016 Nominations
>for ALAC members and ALAC delegates to the Nominating Committee esta
> Open Positions: 
> Please refer to page wiki of ALAC and RALO 2016 Elections, Selections
>and Appointments &lt;
> AFRALO and APRALO will have their selection processes paragraph their
>leaders in the same calendar Regional ALAC.Call started NARALO do
>Nominations for the positions of Delegates Nominating Committee 11 Abri
>2016. Send Details are located wiki is the page of the scraggly of
>selections, Elections and appointments.
> deadlines: 
> ALAC: Deadlines for the ALAC begin Since the last AGM AGM 2016 AGM until
>the end of 2018. 
> Delegates ALAC to the Nominating Committee: Voting members of the
>Nominating Committee son appointed by the UN within one year, starting at
>the AGM 2016 and ending at the end of AGM 2017 and can be named resources
>for an additional one year a subject m the requirements of the ICANN
>Bylaws &lt;  
> Calendar Selection ALAC Members 2016 * - Proposed by the ALAC:
>  * April 26 -.Announcement of the call Nominations and nominated
>Declaration ** 
>  * April 26 - May 9 - nomination period (10 days Nominations son
>accepted Tools). 
>  * May 16 - Deadline for Acceptance of Nominations.
>  * May 18 - May 25, 2016 - Elections (If necessary, Elections begin not
>later than one week after the Deadline for accepting nominations and
>terminated a more than two weeks after the Deadline.).
>  * 2016 AGM [ICANN 57] - The newly elected ALAC representatives take
>their positions on the ALAC ALAC Session Summary During the 2016 AGM.
> * Please note that the timetable for the selection of members of the
>ALAC NARALO is different from the calendar above indicated. Please see
>the following wiki NARALO At-Large Elections, selections and appointments
>2016 &lt;  
> ** Notes on Nominations
>  1.All nominees must submit a brief statement to the At-Large
><mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> &gt;
>Explaining why they believe a suitable candidate and are also must
>complete their Statement of Interest (See: At-Large New SOIs Workspace
>  2. No esta CURRENTLY serving on the Nominating Committee may be
>nominated for the ALAC. See:
> Nominations process:
> Nominations, including self-nominations may be made Directly in: 2016
>ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments &lt;
> Best regards, 
> ** 
>äç ç äå ä, 
>çç èä: 
>è å 2016 åå ALAC RALO å éä å äå åä å &lt;
>äè æ: 
> ALACæåïèäåä2016åçåäïICANN57ïçæåååï2018åçåäïICANN63ïçæååæã
> NomComçALACäèïèäææääåï2016åçåäïICANN57ïçæåååï2017åçå
>[ERROR: Sentence too long to translate (1810&gt; 1800 bytes)]
> ** åä æå è ææ ää äé:
>  1.ææ æå æå ç åéä åé å æé çæ çç åå å
><mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> &gt;æäääçççåæïèéäääääæéåçäéïåååæ
>  2. çå ä ç ç ALAC NomCom äè äè è æå ä ALAC æå èè.:
>ÃÂ;  &lt;
>æå æç: 
>è çé æé çæ çç åå åé<mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
><mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> &gt;æäæåãææçæåïåæèææåïååæååå2016
>              æç! 
> Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie
>pilgrim, Terri Agnew and YeÅim Nazlar
> The ICANN policy staff to support community outreach
> E-mail: staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
><mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> &gt;
> Website: <> &lt;
> Facebook: <> &lt;
> Twitter: @ &lt;  
> [Unknown.png] 
>[[--Original text (es)

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