Re: [lac-discuss-en] Fwd: ICANN 2015 Nominating Committee Announces Selections

Congratulations indeed to Leon Sanchez, Christelle Vaval, Rafael Ibarra and
to the other Nomcom appointees.

Dev Anand

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 11:14 PM, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx
> wrote:

> Congrats to Leon who was returned to the ALAC.
> To my friend Lito, Rafael Ibarra, on his selection to the ICANN Board,
> heartiest congratualtions.  Met Lito years ago when we served on
> Microsoft's Partners in Learning Advisory Board.  He's a good man.
> Heartiest congrats as well to Christelle Vaval, our colleague from Haiti
> for her selection to the ccNSO.
> -Carlton
> ==============================
> Carlton A Samuels
> Mobile: 876-818-1799
> *Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*
> =============================
> [image: ICANN] <> News Alert
> ------------------------------
> ICANN 2015 Nominating Committee Announces Selections
> 25 September 2015
> The ICANN 2015 Nominating Committee (NomCom) is pleased to announce its
> selections for nine leadership positions within ICANN. (See alphabetized
> list for each ICANN body below)
> ------------------------------
> ICANN Board of Directors [image: Rafael Ibarra]
> <>
> Rafael Ibarra
> <>
> Latin America/Caribbean Islands
> [image: George Sadowsky]
> <>
> George Sadowsky
> <>
> North America
> [image: Lousewies van der Laan]
> <>
> Lousewies van der Laan
> <>
> Europe
> At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) [image: Timothy Denton]
> <>
> Timothy Denton
> <>
> North America
> [image: Kaili Kan]
> <>
> Kaili Kan
> <>
> Asia/Australia/Pacific Islands
> [image: Leon Sanchez]
> <>
> Leon Sanchez
> <>
> Latin America/Caribbean Islands
> [image: Photo Not Available]
> <>
> Dahmani Wafa
> <>
> Africa
> Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) [image: Johan
> Helsingius]
> <>
> Johan Helsingius
> <>
> Europe
> [image: Hsu Phen Valerie Tan]
> <>
> Hsu Phen Valerie Tan
> <>
> Asia/Australia/Pacific Islands
> Council of the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) [image:
> Christelle Vaval]
> <>
> Christelle Vaval
> <>
> Latin America/Caribbean Islands
> ------------------------------
> Those selected will take up their positions after the end of ICANN's
> Annual General Meeting, which will take place during the ICANN Public
> Meeting scheduled for 18-22 October 2015 in Dublin, Ireland.
> The NomCom is charged with recruiting and selecting a portion of ICANN's
> leadership. The NomCom is mandated to ensure that ICANN's overall
> leadership is diverse in geography, culture, skills, experience and
> perspective. The basic criteria is that selectees are people of integrity,
> objectivity, sound judgment, support decision-making within groups, work
> effectively in English, understand ICANN's mission and operation, are
> committed to its success, have experience in world affairs, contribute to
> cultural, professional and geographic expertise, and can work long and
> hard, generally as volunteers, for the global public trust.
> An independent body at the community's service
> Discussing the 2015 Nominating Committee results, Stephane Van Gelder, the
> Chair of the 2015 NomCom, shared the following:
> "As Chair, it is my honor, pleasure and duty to report that the 2015
> Nominating Committee has completed the task assigned to it by the ICANN
> Community and made the selections shown above.
> By the close of the application period on 15 March 2015, the 2015
> Nominating Committee had received 81 applications for the nine positions it
> was tasked with filling.
> Once this work was completed, the 2015 Nominating Committee was then
> called upon to select a replacement for the position of North American ALAC
> representative, following the resignation of its previous selectee to that
> position and received nine applications for that position.
> I want to thank the Nominating Committee members for working diligently
> through these two separate processes. It is rare that a NomCom gets called
> back to reselect for another position once its main slate for the cycle has
> been decided. This year's members had to withstand the added pressure of
> this late selection, whilst continuing to work as a group fully independent
> of ICANN's SOs, ACs and the Board. They rose to this challenge and
> completed their assigned tasks with aplomb and integrity.
> Throughout the year, the Committee has reported on its processes through
> Report Cards, video updates and documents published on its webpage (
> During this year's Annual General Meeting in Dublin in October, the
> Committee will present the ICANN Community with a Final Report detailing
> its work and providing in-depth data on the applications received."
> Regional Breakdown
> As noted above, the 2015 NomCom received 81 Statements of Interest from
> candidates all over the world (12 female and 69 male) during its open
> nomination period from 8 December 2014 to 15 March 2015.
> The regional breakdown of this year's candidates is:
> 22 from Africa
> 10 from Asia/Australia/Pacific Islands
> 19 from Europe
> 22 from Latin America/Caribbean Islands
> 8 from North America
> ALAC North America Region Selection Process
> 9 Candidates from Canada and the United State of America
> 1 female
> 8 male
> For more information about the NomCom, please visit
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