[lac-discuss-en] 3 hours left: Call for Candidates - ALAC Liaison to the CSC

Dear All,

On behalf of Alan Greenberg, Chair of the ALAC, the call for candidates for the 
ALAC Liaison to the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) is now open.

Interested members from the At-Large community should send their 1) expression 
of interest and 2) resume, curriculum vitae, or biography, to 
staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> by 23:59 UTC on 14 July 

In their expression of interest, candidates should respond to the following:

1.    Name

2.    Affiliation

3.    Geographic region

4.    Skill set and experience (please provide additional details to the 

a. Direct experience and knowledge of the IANA naming function

b. Analytical skills, ability to interpret quantitative and qualitative 
evidence, and capacity to draw conclusions purely based on evidence.

c. Able to work and communicate in written and spoken English

d. Effective communication skills

e. Experience in managing and/or participating in committees (e.g. meeting 
coordination, reporting, and escalation) in order to contribute meaningfully to 
CSC processes

f. Demonstrated ability in relationship management to support diplomatic 
discussion, consensus driven decision making, and productive negotiation

5.    Other skill set or experience relevant to CSCâs work

6.    Explanation of interest in becoming involved in the CSC

7.    Understanding of the purpose of the CSC

8.    Able to meet the time 
 required to participate in the CSC

9. As ALAC Liaison to the CSC, what do you believe that your main 
responsibilities will be, both within the CSC and in relation to the ALAC?

Please use the expression of interest template (.docx file attached) to fill 
out the required information.

Candidates' Expression of Interest (EoI) submissions will be reviewed by the 
ALAC Candidate Selection Committee which will forward its preferred EoIs to the 
ALAC for final selection and/or ratification.


On 10 March 2016, the ICANN Board transmitted to the U.S. National 
Telecommunications and Information Agency (NTIA) a package of 
 by the international Internet community to transition NTIAâs stewardship of 
the IANA functions to the global multistakeholder community.

One of the things that this package calls for is the creation of a Customer 
Standing Committee (CSC) to provide operational oversight of the performance of 
the IANA naming function, a role currently performed by NTIA. The scope and 
responsibility of the CSC is available 

The membership composition of the CSC, as specified in the package of 
proposals, includes one Liaison appointed by the At-Large Advisory Committee 
(ALAC), who will serve an inaugural three-year term.

Liaisons shall not be members or be entitled to vote on the CSC, but otherwise 
shall be entitled to participate on equal footing with members of the CSC. 
Participation in the CSC is voluntary. The CSC is expected to perform the 
majority of its work telephonically and via email. Travel funding will not be 


The ALAC is responsible for appointing a primary and a secondary candidate that 
meet the qualification requirements in the expression of interest, and are 
geographically diverse. The ALAC should forward the Liaison candidates to the 
CSC for consideration no later than 23:59 UTC on 22 July 2016.

The Membership Selection Process of the CSC Charter calls for due consideration 
to be given, to the extent possible, to form a CSC that has diversity in terms 
of geography and skill set. To that end, the composition of the slate will be 
reviewed during two points in the selection process: firstly by the RySG and 
ccNSO and secondly by the ccNSO and GNSO.

The ccNSO and GNSO Councils will also make a decision regarding which members 
and liaisons will serve an inaugural three-year term.

The ccNSO and GNSO Councils will notify ICANN and the appointing organizations 
of the final composition of the CSC. The notification will take place on or 
around 10 August 2016.

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine, 
Terri Agnew and YeÅim Nazlar
ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
E-mail: staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Website: atlarge.icann.org<https://atlarge.icann.org/>