Re: [lac-discuss-es] RV: [Secretariat] IMPORTANT: Information for FY16 At-Large Special Budget Requests - PLEASE Share with your ALSes


Ojo, estas actividades quieren fomentar o mejorar el engagement (participación) 
con los miembros existentes. Este criterio es determinante.


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> El 23/01/2015, a las 04:58, "Alberto Soto" <asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
> escribió:
> Estimados, les pido por favor lean con atención esta información. Vean en
> sus respectivas áreas de influencia los proyectos que sean factibles de
> encarar. Desde hace tiempo estamos pidiendo que verifiquen eventos,
> completar el mapeo de los mismos, la preparación de actividades de distinto
> tipo, etc.
> Si bien hay poco tiempo, sugiero que hagamos lo posible para enviar
> solicitudes de fondos antes del 4 de febrero, fecha tope de nosotros hacia
> Ya estamos en coordinación proponiendo generar proyectos específicos en
> Colombia y Barbados.
> Hay que tener en cuenta que aquellos proyectos que tienen su alcance dentro
> del programa CROPP, no deben ser considerados aquí.
> Saludos cordiales
> Alberto Soto
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: secretariat-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:secretariat-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] En nombre de ICANN
> At-Large Staff
> Enviado el: jueves, 22 de enero de 2015 09:07 p.m.
> Para: secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> CC: Tijani BEN JEMAA (tijani.benjemaa@xxxxxxxxxxx)
> Asunto: [Secretariat] IMPORTANT: Information for FY16 At-Large Special
> Budget Requests - PLEASE Share with your ALSes
> Importancia: Alta
> Dear RALO Leaders,
> The FY16 AC/SO Special Request process is now open. Proposals for requests
> may be made for RALO activities taking place between 1 July 2015 through 30
> June 2016.
> As agreed by Alan Greenberg, Chair of the ALAC Finance and Budget Committee
> (FBSC) and Tijani Ben Jemaa, Vice-Chair of the FBSC, please see below the
> criteria to be followed in the preparation of FY 16 AC/SO Special Request
> proposals:
> *         Outreach should not be a major focus. Activities to improve
> engagement with existing members is encouraged.
> *         If any request is made on outreach, it should go through the CROPP
> program and not this special request process.
> *         Proposals should include ways in which will make the ALAC and/or
> the At-Large community more effective and develop the At-Large community.
> *         RALO requests must go through a bottom up process within their
> RALO prior to being submitted for consideration by the FBSC.
> *         They must be explicitly supported by the RALO representative on
> the FBSC.
> *         Staff is currently expecting that basic resources for community
> communications/printing will be supported through the core ICANN budget, but
> that community proposals for printing , etc. will be accepted as a back-up
> in case expectations change.  Specific proposals for communications
> resources beyond simple printing and editing functions should be prepared
> and submitted.
> Please review the At-Large FY16 Budget Development
> Workspace<
> evelopment+Workspace> which contains the following key information:
> *         FY16 Community Special Budget Request Timeline
> *         FY16 Community Requests
> Template<
> mmunity%20Requests%20Template%20141219.docx?version=1&modificationDate=14192
> 80186000&api=v2>
> *         FY16 Community Special Budget Request
> Process<
> munity%20Special%20Budget%20Request%20Process%20141219.docx?version=1&modifi
> cationDate=1419280202000&api=v2>
> *         FY16 Principles of SO-AC Special Budget
> Requests<
> s%20of%20SO-AC%20Special%20Budget%20Requests%20141219.docx?version=1&modific
> ationDate=1419280218000&api=v2>
> The procedure for completing the request template and the sending of
> requests is as follows:
> 1.    A deadline of 4 February is set for all RALOs to review any ALS
> request or complete a template on behalf of the RALO and send requests to
> staff@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxx>. (PLEASE NOTE: if the RALO
> requests are received later then the deadline, the interaction between the
> FBSC and the applicant will not be guaranteed.)
> 2.    The FBSC will review the requests submitted during ICANN 52 in
> Singapore.
> 3.    The ALAC FBSC will review the requests and get back to the applicants
> to fine tune the requests, if needed.
> 4.    Applicants will have until 25 February to send their revised proposals
> to the FBSC for final review.
> 5.    The FBSC will  have a deadline of 26 February to make the final review
> of all the RALO requests.
> 6.    Staff will send the FBSC approved requests to Finance on 28th
> February.
> Please note that RALO requests should be sent to
> staff@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxx> and NOT the
> controller@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:controller@xxxxxxxxx> address.
> This note will be available in FR, ES and ZH shortly.
> Heidi Ullrich
> Senior Director for At-Large
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
> Telephone: + 1 (310) 578 - 8647
> Fax: +1 (310) 823 - 8649
> Mobile: +1 (310) 437 - 3956
> ICANN Website:     <>
> At-Large Website:<>
> At-Large Facebook:
> At-Large Twitter:        @ICANN_AtLarge<>
> [unknown.png]
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