[lac-discuss-en] EXTENSION: CCWG Auction Proceeds - Call for Candidates



This is a CALL FOR CANDIDATES in the At-Large Community for the ICANN Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) on New gTLD Auction Proceeds.

The new generic top level domain (gTLD) Program established auctions as a mechanism of last resort to resolve the competition sets between identical or similar terms (strings) for new gTLDs Currently the fund contains over $230 million dollars (note that $132 million of this is related to an auction that is being disputed).

The CCWG is tasked with developing a proposal(s) for consideration by the Chartering Organizations (those ICANN Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees that have adopted the CCWG Charter) on the mechanism that should be developed in order to allocate the new gTLD Auction Proceeds. That proposal will then be submitted to the ICANN Board.

Note that the CCWG will NOT be deciding on projects to be funded, but rather on the mechanism to be used to allocate funds.


As one of the Chartering organizations, the ALAC may name five people to be Members of the CCWG and presuming sufficient qualified candidates, our intent is to select one per ICANN region (based on citizenship as per ALAC membership).

Full details of the CCWG may be found at <https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2016-12-13-en>https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2016-12-13-en.

Members must commit to actively participate in the activities of the CCWG. The estimated average workload will be no less than 3-4 hours per week. This means attending conference calls which will likely last 60-90 minutes per week (some of which will be held at inconvenient hours to accommodate world-wide participation) and mailing list participation. Past CCWGs have also formed sub-groups to divide the work. If this CCWG does so, that might increase workload. The total length of engagement is likely to be at least 1 year. The CCWG, any sub-groups it forms, and its mailing lists will all be conducted in English and all Members must be sufficiently fluent.

There will be a Working Group within At-Large which will support our five CCWG Members, and all Members are also expected to participate in that WG as well. Members will also participate in any At-Large briefings and Webinars on the subject.

Those interested in applying to be formally appointed to the CCWG Auction Proceeds by the ALAC should submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) including:
   * A resume (maximum three pages)
* A statement explaining why they are interested in serving in this capacity and what skills or background they have which will help them in this CCWG.
   * A Declaration of Interests indicating any potential or actual conflicts.
* A declaration that they can devote the time needed to participate in the CCWG and the associated At-Large WG activities. * Agreement that prior to the formal selection by the ALAC, they will attend CCWG meetings (see IMPORTANT NOTE at bottom of this message).

All EoIs must be sent to staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx by Sunday, 22 January 2017 at 23:59 UTC. EXTENDED TO 23:59 UTC, THURSDAY, 26 JANUARY 2017

All applications will be reviewed in confidence by the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee (AASC) which will make recommendations to the ALAC on who to appoint. For AASC Membership, see https://community.icann.org/x/VwebAw.

EoIs will be available only to the AASC and ICANN At-Large Staff.

Based on an initial review of the EoI, a telephone/Skype interview of the candidates may be conducted by members of the AASC.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The first meeting of the CCWG will take place on Thursday, 26 January at 15:00 UTC for 60 Minutes. Since the ALAC selections will not be done by then, ALL Applicants must either attend this meeting and subsequent meetings or listen to the recordings.

Alan Greenberg
Chair, ALAC
