Re: [lac-discuss-en] LACRALO Elections - The Matter of Bigotry

Well said Carlton.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Carlton Samuels <carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx>

> It is really irritating to hear about and see Caribbean efforts described
> - in face-to-face conversions as well as intimated online - as one looking
> for handouts.
> This is about the rules.  And respect for the rules. And by so doing,
> respecting all of us.  And when our rights are abridged, we shall respond.
> Fiercely too, if we must.
> I see one of our colleagues under attack for calling these attacks
> plainly, bigotry <> [
>].  That is his judgment and he has
> an absolute right to discomfit those who carry that seed. We are different
> people with different styles of engagement. But make no mistake, we know
> when a hand is raised against us. And, what we must do.
> There are no sacred cows. At least not where reason lives.
> It was a watershed moment for me when one of my longtime colleagues, the
> hardest worker among Caribbean ALS representatives, one who is slow to
> anger, describe the situation as us being treated as if we were, literally
> and figuratively, slaves!
> I am responsible for the original draft of the LACRALO Principles and the
> Rules of Procedure.
> The original version of the Principles and Rules of Procedure were
> finalized with the assistance of Nick Ashton-Hart, then [ICANN] Director of
> At-Large.
> Ditto the revised 2008 version that created the role for a permanent Chair.
> This narrative that claims 'we do not understand the rules' is as
> long-running as it is incredible.  The ONLY suggestions for change from
> those who claim lack of understanding was an attempt at Costa Rica to
> create more LACRALO posts with titles and to discriminate against Internet
> users depending on where they live.
> One or other of us have been involved in all the heavy lifting. There was
> a time when the only ones we could call on to do real work were Andres
> Piazza and Carlos Dionisio Aguirre. Add Fatima Cambronero to that list.
> Those were the days Carlos was just learning English. We saw the struggle
> and how determined he was to participate. So we formed a principle; we will
> never support discrimination based on language or language proficiency.
> People will grow.
> Contrary to what the bigots would say,  the UWI ALS and other Caribbean
> ALS have supported and voted many Latins as representatives and leaders.
> I have voted and supported, among others, the following persons:
> Carlos Dionisio Aguirre, Jose Ovidio Salgueiro, Sergio Salinas Porto,
> Fatima Cambronero, Natalia Enciso, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Jose Arce,  and
> Juan Manuel Rojas.  Yes, some more enthusiastically than for others.
> At that much maligned and fabricated Mexico City GA, the UWI ALS cast its
> vote for one Sergio Salinas Porto.
> The record will show the UWI ALS is the only Caribbean ALS to ever vote
> for FLUI-associated members for leadership, despite their seeming gut-level
> opposition to Caribbean representation.  We always look for the redeeming
> attributes.
> I have gone against the advice of my Caribbean peers, even my own business
> partner, to vote for candidates who did not speak English as
> representatives.  That was on principle.
> My principles do not operate on a sliding scale. My principles cannot be
> situational.
> -Carlton Samuels
> ==============================
> Carlton A Samuels
> Mobile: 876-818-1799
> *Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*
> =============================
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