Re: [lac-discuss-en] (EN/ES) VOTE RESULT: 2018 LACRALO Elections


Dear All,

Please note that the 2018 elections for LACRALO Chair, LACRALO Secretariat, 
LACRALO ALAC Delegate to the NomCom and LACRALO ALAC Member have now ended.

The LACRALO Chair for a 1 year term beginning at the end of ICANN63 isSergio 
Salinas Porto.
The LACRALO Secretariat for a 1 year term beginning at the end of ICANN63 
isHarold Arcos.
The Regional Candidate recommended to the ALAC for the positon of ALAC Delegate 
to the NomCom representing the LACRALO RegionTracy Hackshaw.The ALAC will 
select the final ALAC Delegates to the NomCom.
The LACRALO ALAC Member for a 2 year term beginning at the end of ICANN63 
isHumberto Carrasco.