Re: [lac-discuss-es] Bienvenido a At-Large!

Estimado Luciano, bienvenido a LACRALO! Llegan en momentos de gran trabajo
para nuestra Región, para ALAC y para ICANN. Vamos a necesitar de vuestra
colaboración y participación.
Saludos cordiales

Alberto Soto

-----Mensaje original-----
De: lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] En nombre de
Enviado el: martes, 06 de enero de 2015 12:32 p.m.
Para: lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CC: ALAC Internal List; LACRALO list
Asunto: [lac-discuss-es] Bienvenido a At-Large!

[[--Translated text (en -> es)--]]

 Asunto: Bienvenido a At-Large! 
 Desde: staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Dear Luciano,
> ICANN's At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is pleased to inform you 
> that (214) AMTICS been certified as an At-Large Structure (ALS).  The 
> ALAC greatly appreciates your group's interest in involving individual 
> users in ICANN and looks forward to working with you and your colleagues.
> The purpose of ALS certification is to recognize that your 
> organization meets the necessary criteria to involve individual 
> Internet users at the local or issue level in ICANN activities, and 
> that your organization will support its individual members' informed 
> participation in ICANN efforts that affect end-users.
> The ALAC is eager to promote a productive working relationship between 
> your organization, other ALS, and the ALAC (and ICANN in general), and 
> your input on how we can make this a success would be greatly appreciated.
> We would like to offer some initial tools to help your organization 
> keep its members informed (about significant news from ICANN and 
> information on ICANN policy-development efforts) and engaged in activities
of interest:
> - Point of Contact for your Organisation: Please send an email to 
> <mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> identifying the names and email 
> addresses of one or two individuals who will be the point of contact 
> for information and correspondence regarding ICANN At-Large. If this
changes, please let us know.
> - At Large Mailing Lists. There are many At Large email lists, for 
> each region; you can sign up for them and manage your subscriptions at:
> <>
> The points of contact you identify will automatically be added to your 
> region's list just for accredited ALSes to discuss regional issues and 
> to the mailing list for Staff announcements (only Staff can post 
> messages to that list); you are invited to join others as you wish.
> - ALS information.  Information about your organization will be shared 
> with the At-Large community to enable individuals interested in your 
> group's activities to contact you, and to encourage cooperation with 
> other groups interested in ICANN activities in your geographic region. 
> Please complete and email the form at the bottom of this note to 
> <mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> -  ALAC website. The ALAC website ( < is 
> a good source for ICANN news and information of interest to individual 
> Internet users.  We encourage you to provide your members with a link.  
> The ALAC relies on volunteers to translate information into multiple 
> languages. Translations of documents on the website are welcome and 
> should be sent to <mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> -  At-Large Regional Websites. Regional wiki webpages also have been 
> created to distribute information (including in local languages) on 
> activities, events and issues of particular interest to people in each 
> region. These are maintained by the community. They are:
> African Region:
> <>
> Asia/Australia/Pacific Region:
> <>
> European Region:
> <>
> Latin America/Caribbean Region:
> <>
> North American Region:
> <>
> We have included an ALS Starter Kit that includes key information on 
> ALAC and At-Large communication tools. We have also included the 
> Beginners Guide to Participating in At-Large which explains the 
> organization of the At-Large community and how to participate in its
> We look forward to working with you and your organization's members to 
> advance individual Internet users' interests within ICANN.  If you 
> have any questions, or need additional information, please contact us 
> at staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sincerely,
> The At-Large Advisory Committee
> staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ---------------------------
> Name:
> Location (city/country/region; whatever is relevant to your membership):
> Mission:
> Member benefits:
> Contacts (name/s and email address/es -- title/s optional):
> Website:
> Other (additional informational you would like included):

[[--Original text (en)
