Re: [lac-discuss-en] = iso-8859-1 Proceso_elecci q = F3n_ALAC_Member =????

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People set on being dictators and this cannot be tolerated.




From: lac-discuss-en-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:lac-discuss-en-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Lance Hinds
Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 20:38
To: lac-discuss-en@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [lac-discuss-en] = iso-8859-1 Proceso_elecci q = F3n_ALAC_Member 


Good evening all,


It is correct that I was informed via phone call by the Secretary that members 
of the RALO in BA insisted that there be a poll because of the precedent set by 
the election of Natalia Enciso. I was not informed however that the poll serves 
as the referendum for the nomination with no provision for the possibility of 
the majority not supporting the final result.


What therefore is the point of having call for nominations, a nomination period 
and then a nominee, when all of this to be derailed by those who in my opinion 
believe they have a god given right to every official position and Heaven 
forbid any one from the Caribbean having the temerity to wish the same. 


We are now in no man's land where rules are made up as we go along with no 
reference to our Rules of Procedure. This is a farce. If there was an issue 
with my nomination there was ample time to express this. The information about 
the status of the voting process was always there. So we want the chance to 
change things despite the fact we weren't paying attention in the first 
instance? That is disingenuous and insulting.


Part of me still believes this was a hatchet job. It is time for a honest 
discussion in this RALO. If there is the belief that the Caribbean constituency 
really has, or should not  have any significant part to play here, let that be 
articulating clearly and then ways can be explored for us to leave. 


In the interim, I think I speak for the rest of my Caribbean colleagues when I 
suggest that strong consideration be given to having the ombudsman help us with 
this unsettling state of affairs.


Best regards




On Tuesday, July 28, 2015, <asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

 Subject: = iso-8859-1 Proceso_elecci q = F3n_ALAC_Member =????
 From: asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <javascript:;> 

 Dear, this is part of the mail where porqudel process explicel

 Now I want to remind you that last year we were Humberto and I, mechanics
 applicants. We should do votaciny accept the result. There were those who
 voted no, others abstained and others voted yes.

 The other case was particularly Natalia Enciso, unique candidate for ALAC
 Member. And it was the case that we take as a precedent.

 Mentioning the case of Sylvia Leite Herlen is not correct, we need
 make choice for that position.

 We pre-meeting with the staff and then taken the decision
 Lance was advised that the ballot will be made, taking as a precedent the case
 Natalia Enciso.

 ARE ongoing process and finalizarcon the ballot.

 This is the mail sent before the end of the votaciny on which
 no prior knowledge recibiningn comment is the result:

 Before the results of the current survey on whether or not
 Lance Hinds should be confirmed as the ALAC Representative 2015-2017
 LACRALO would like us to establish the methodology to be utilizarpara
 determine the results.

 Whether a majority (over 50%) of the respondents to the
 survey, not counting abstentions indicated NO, then the process
 of selection of the seat currently occupied by Ftima ALAC Cambronero
 reiniciarcon a new call for applications.

 Otherwise, the appointment of Lance Hinds is confirmed as LACRALO
 ALAC member for 2015-2017.

 Remember that each RALO ALAC should choose its Member; thus
 we have made a choice according explained, taking three background
 Similar and applications for several members that were conducted in the
 meeting in Buenos Aires, who felt that the process was

 In the interest of transparency, we reported before the result of the
 Voting next steps.

 In this regard we believe that it has complied with the report and why
 It corresponds to open a new period of postulacin, presentaciny ballot.

 It is worth remembering that there are many situations that do not expressly 
 regulated as quisiramos. We must adopt a position basndonos
 in the rules and precedents that have. When there is a situation
 expressly regulated, we must choose one of the alternatives, reporting
 prior to the community.

 This is rational only solution we have found to solve this
 such drawbacks.

 best regards

 Alberto Soto

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[[--Original text (es)
