Re: [lac-discuss-en] [ALAC-Internal] Welcome to At-Large!


Welcome to LACRALO!!!


Enviado desde mi iPhone

> El 23-12-2015, a las 2:12 p.m., "staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 
> <staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribiÃ:
> Dear Wanda and Juan,
> ICANN's At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is pleased to inform you that
> ISOC RD has been certified as an  At-Large Structure (ALS).  The ALAC
> greatly appreciates your group's interest in involving individual users in
> LACRALO and ICANN and looks forward to working with you and your colleagues.
> The ALAC is eager to promote a productive working relationship between your
> organization, other ALSes, and the ALAC (and ICANN in general), and your
> input on how we can make this a success would be greatly appreciated.
> ItÂs very important to keep the members of your organization informed (about
> significant news from ICANN and information on ICANN policy-development
> efforts) and engaged in activities of interest. Here are a few of the tools
> members of At-Large find useful:
> The At-Large wiki space is where you can find most of the relevant
> information:
> The At-Large introductory page
> <>  help you
> navigate through the wiki contents. This is where you can find the latest
> announcements, and subscribe to the At-Large Google calendar
> <>  at the bottom of the
> page. This will ensure you never miss a meeting!
> From any chosen page in the At-Large wiki, you can find your bearings easily
> by navigating via the purple box at the top left hand corner of the page. It
> is very convenient to be able to consult the latest
> <> At-Large
> Policy Development Activity <>  , find out
> more about the Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs)
> <
>> , and about At-Large Working Groups
> <>  .
> For the most up to date information about At-Large meetings during ICANN
> Public meetings,  it
> is worth bookmarking this wiki page
> <> !
> Regional wiki webpages also have been created to distribute information
> (including in local languages) on activities, events and issues of
> particular interest to people in each region. These are maintained by the
> community. They are:
> African Region: <>
> Asia/Australia/Pacific Region:
> <>
> European Region: <>
> Latin America/Caribbean Region:
> <>
> North American Region: <>
> At-Large Mailing Lists. There are many At-Large email lists, for each
> region, you can sign up to them and manage your subscriptions at:
> . The primary and secondary
> points of contact you have identified in the application form will
> automatically be added to your region's list just for accredited ALSes to
> discuss regional issues and to the mailing list for Staff announcements
> (only Staff can post messages to that list); you are invited to join others
> as you wish.
> ALAC website. The ALAC website <>    is a good
> source for ICANN news and information of interest to individual Internet
> users.  We encourage you to provide your members with a link.  The ALAC
> relies on volunteers to translate information into multiple languages.
> Translations of documents on the website are welcome and should be sent to
> At-Large staff. <mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ICANN website: The ICANN website <>    is where all
> announcements <>   are posted, and where you can
> find practical information about ICANN Public meetings
> <>  .
> Skype chat: At-Large community members and staff use Skype group chats
> extensively. A group chat exists for most Working Groups and RALOs. So
> please donÂt hesitate to send At-Large Staff your Skype ID and weÂll gladly
> add you to the relevant chats. Please click
> <applewebdata://5FDBE40C-D9C0-4DBD-81A6-E27CA698E5CC/> here
> <>   <>  if you donÂt have a
> Skype account. ItÂs free and staff are available to help if you run into any
> trouble.
> Facebook: The At-Large community has its own Facebook page
> <>  . ItÂs useful to keep up
> with announcements and helpful information
> Twitter: Members of At-Large tweet extensively and are particularly active
> during ICANN Public meetings. Follow
> <> At-Large on Twitter
> <>  !
> We will forward the At-Large Beginnersâ  guide shortly, as it is in the
> process of being updated. In the meantime, please refer to the recording
> <;
> pbMode=normal>  of
> our Informal Welcome Webinar for new ALSes which took place in July 2015.
> You may also like to refer to the APRALO Outreach Strategic Plan
> <> for further engagement opportunities.
> We look forward to working with you and your organization's members to
> advance individual Internet users' interests within ICANN.  If you have any
> questions, or need additional information, please contact us at
> staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sincerely,
> The At-Large Advisory Committee
> <>
> staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> _______________________________________________
> ALAC-Internal mailing list
> ALAC-Internal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ALAC Wiki: 
> At-Large Website:
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