Re: [lac-discuss-es] RV: [lac-discuss-en] RES: Fwd: FW: URGENTE: persona LACRALO que viajarà a Singapur.


En la reuniÃn mensual participare yo igual. Supongo que aunque formalmente haya 
alguien que me reemplace, yo igual estarà virtualmente.


Enviado desde mi iPhone

> El 21-01-2015, a las 3:24, "Alberto Soto" <asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
> escribiÃ:
> Estimada Silvia, en virtud de las malasinterpetaciones y dado el corto
> tiempo disponible, viajarà solo a Singapur. Para la reuniÃn mensual donde
> formalmente es necesaria la presencia de alguien que se desempeÃe como
> Secretario, veremos si Leon, Vanda o FÃtima pueden desempeÃar esa funciÃn. 
> Saludos cordiales
> Alberto Soto
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: lac-discuss-en-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:lac-discuss-en-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] En nombre de Alberto
> Soto
> Enviado el: martes, 20 de enero de 2015 06:56 p.m.
> Para: sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> CC: lac-discuss-en@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Asunto: Re: [lac-discuss-en] [lac-discuss-es] RES: Fwd: FW: URGENTE: persona
> LACRALO que viajarà a Singapur.
> Estimada Silvia, acabo de contestar a Carlton sobre la misma cuestiÃn. 
> Solo trato de que Humberto sea reemplazado con la misma funcionalidad con la
> cual estamos trabajando. Esto no es un premio, solo un reemplazo que
> requiere de algunas particularidades.
> Y como dije antes, creo mi  conducta a travÃs de los aÃos no merece una
> calificaciÃn de este tipo.
> Si esto causa problemas, entonces retiro la propuesta de reemplazo y veremos
> cÃmo logro desempeÃar mis funciones durante el meeting de Singapur.
> Estuve solo en Los Angeles y espero poder arreglÃrmelas nuevamente. 
> Para la ReuniÃn Mensual, Le pedirà a LeÃn, FÃtima o Vanda que se desempeÃen
> la funciÃn de SecretarÃa.
> Saludos cordiales
> Alberto Soto
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] En nombre de
> sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enviado el: martes, 20 de enero de 2015 06:18
> p.m.
> Para: lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> CC: lac-discuss-en@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Asunto: [lac-discuss-es] RES: Fwd: FW: URGENTE: persona LACRALO que viajarÃ
> a Singapur.
> Importancia: Alta
> Estimados todos: 
> Estoy sorprendida con la solicitud  de condiciÃn de bilingÃismo que plantea
> Alberto. Y tambiÃn me llama la atenciÃn que este tema se haya planteado
> directamente y tratado de resolver en la teleconferencia mensual , sin
> previa consulta a la lista de LACRALO. 
> Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Carlton y me opongo absolutamente a esta
> propuesta excluyente. Y al igual que Carlton aconsejarà a las ALS a que se
> manifiesten de la misma manera . 
> Parece cosa del pasado y quien hace esta propuesta ( Alberto) parece no
> haber sido parte de LACRALO desde su inicio. 
> Estos temas ya fueron discutidos ampliamente y por suerte RESUELTOS en post
> de un entendimiento general de que somos una regiÃn mayoritariamente con dos
> idiomas principales ( aunque tenemos mÃs) y que ninguno de los dos ( espaÃol
> e InglÃs) tienen mÃs importancia uno del otro. 
> No creo estar escribiendo esto en el dÃa de hoy despuÃs de tantos aÃos de
> intentos de uniÃn entre LatinoamÃrica y Caribe!!!
> Yo quiero nominar a Sergio Salinas Porto por su trabajo sin descanso desde
> siempre en LACRALO, inclusive sin tener ningÃn cargo oficial que lo obligue
> a hacerlo. AdemÃs, actualmente,  Sergio està  liderando 2 grupos de trabajo
> en nuestra regiÃn  y creo que es un excelente miembro de LACRALO para
> representarnos en Singapur.
> Sin mÃs,
> Saludos cordiales,
> Sylvia
> ___________________________________________________
> Sylvia Herlein Leite
> sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> LACRALO-ALAC Delegate to NomComm 2014-2015 One World, One Internet
> Secretaria FLUI 2009-2015
> ex - Secretaria LACRALO-ICANN/ 2012-2014 â ex â ALAC Member 2009-2011 -
> Skype: sylvia_leite
> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:lac-discuss-es-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Em nome de
> carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx Enviada em: martes, 20 de enero de 2015 18:26
> Para: lac-discuss-es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: lac-discuss-en@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Assunto: Re: Fwd: FW: URGENTE: persona LACRALO que viajarà a Singapur.
> [[--Translated text (en -> es)--]]
> Asunto: Re: Fwd: FW: URGENTE: persona LACRALO que viajarà a Singapur. 
> Desde: carlton.samuels@xxxxxxxxx
> Fwiw, LACRALO no puede hacer que la condiciÃn idioma a esta solicitud. Es
> intrÃnsecamente discriminatorio y no defender los intereses de LACRALO. 
> Se deja constancia de que, a menos que se retira voy a objetar, en
> principio,  y asesorar a todos los ALS del Caribe a hacer lo mismo. 
> -Carlton 
> ============================== 
> Carlton Un Samuels 
> MÃvil: 876-818-1799 
> * Estrategia, PlanificaciÃn, Gobierno, EvaluaciÃn y plazos de entrega * 
> ============================= 
> El mar, 20 de enero 2015 a las 2:13 de la tarde, Silvia Vivanco
> <silvia.vivanco@xxxxxxxxx>
> escribiÃ: 
>> Dear all,
>> Staff Translation of message just sent by LACRALO's Chair:
> ============================================================================
> =================================
>> Dear all
>> Constituency Travel has informed us that it is possible to send a traveler
>> to fill Humberto's travel slot to Singapore. As I suggested yesterday in
>> our monthly  call, I would like to suggest Carlos Aguirre.  He can help us
>> to organize meetings  F2F with possible speakers for our Capacity building
>> events. Carlos is in charge of LACRALO capacity building activities.
>> If you would like to propose another LACRALO member,  the only condition
>> would be that the person be able to speak EN and ES and that he/she does
>> not have visa requirements/issues for Singapore.
>> Deadline: Thursday 22 at 23 UTC.
>> Kind regards,
>> Alberto Soto
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: lac-discuss-en-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:
>> lac-discuss-en-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
>> asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 2:00 PM
>> To: lac-discuss-en@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: [lac-discuss-en] Fwd: FW: URGENT: LACRALO person WHO will travel
>> to Singapore.
>> [[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
>> Subject: Fwd: FW: URGENT: LACRALO person WHO will travel to Singapore.
>> From: asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Dear, Constituency said yes. As our reunin deal yesterday, I propose it
>> to replace Carlos Humberto Aguirre in Singapore. You can also specify F2F
>> meetings with prospective exhibitors events Capacitacin our plan, since it
>> is who is in charge of it.
>> If you wish to nominate another member, hganlo, the only condition is
>> that desempee in Spanish and English. Perdny not having visa problems.
>> We can not expect more AllDel Thursday 22 at 2300 UTC.
>> Best Regards
>> Alberto Soto
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> From: Silvia Vivanco <silvia.vivanco@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Posted: January 20 2015 14:55:26 GMT-03: 00
>> To: Alberto Soto <asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Humberto Carrasco <
>> hcarrascob@xxxxxxxxx>
>> CC: ICANN At-Large Staff <staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Subject: FW: URGENT: LACRALO person WHO will travel to Singapore.
>> Dear Alberto,
>> CT Has Told Me That LACRALO can send someone INSTEAD OF Humberto to
>> Singapore, however it we need someone With no visa restrictions.
>> Kindly send us the name of the person WHO will travel to Singapore ASAP.
>> Silvia
>> Silvia Vivanco
>> Manager, At Large Regional Affairs
>> ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: ICANN Constituency Travel
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 24:42
>> To: Silvia Vivanco
>> Cc: ICANN At-Large Staff
>> Subject: Re: URGENT: See them both Humberto can not travel to Singapore
>> Dear Silvia,
>> If They dont have any visa restrictions it shouldnt be a problem. Could
>> you please send me the name?
>> Best wishes,
>> Joseph of Jesus
>> Travel Support Manager
>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
>> Direct Line: +1.310.301.3880
>> Mobile: +1.562.881.7326
>> Fax (Private): +1.424.832.1074
>> Email: joseph.dejesus@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:joseph.dejesus@xxxxxxxxx>
>> <>
>> On 1/19/15, 10:01 a.m., &quot;Silvia Vivanco&quot; <
>> silvia.vivanco@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:silvia.vivanco@xxxxxxxxx> &gt; Wrote:
>>> Dear Joseph,
>>> Humberto Carrasco has Informed us below That unfortunately I will NOT
>>> Be reliable to Attend in person to the upcoming Singapore and Buenos
>> Aires
>>> Meetings. The reason Is That will Have His are recibir radiotherapy
>>> For His kidney cancer treatment. Initially the Doctor Told Humberto
>>> That the radiotherapy was not needed but it will be needed and Humberto
>>> Will need to take care of His child During the treatment.
>>> Alberto Soto (LACRALO Chair) would like to know if it's possible at
>>> Esta time to designate a replacement to go in person to Singapore in
>>> Humberto's place.
>>> Please be so kind to let us know as soon as possible if esta
>>> Arrangement would be possible.
>>> Thank you!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Silvia
>>> Silvia Vivanco
>>> Manager, At Large Regional Affairs
>>> ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
>>> <>
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Alberto Soto [mailto: asoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>>> Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 24:08
>>> To: 'Humberto Carrasco'; Silvia Vivanco
>>> Subject: RE: Question on both
>>> Humberto regret muchsimo why. I think it is necessary that if
>>> Contines in office. The only solution is to replace you in these two
>> F2F.
>>> Silvia There is time to appoint someone to replace?
>>> I will make a request to the Regin proposing a name (Carlos
>>> Aguirre), asking if anyone objects. Nothing written or
>>> Prohibited and what is not estprohibido estpermitido.
>>> Hug
>>> Alberto
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Humberto Carrasco [mailto: hcarrascob@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Monday,
>>> January 19, 2015 2:01 pm
>>> To: alberto Soto; silvia Vivanco
>>> Subject: Consultation on both
>>> Dear,
>>> ATRS few minutes ago I have just been informed that the week in
>> Singapore
>>> Begin to administer radiotherapy my son Humberto Len. You have
>>> 14 radiotherapy sessions.
>>> This makes it impossible for me to travel to Singapore. This is because
>> I go
>>> Every day to the hospital with him. I did not notice this until the day
>>> Today because freshly delivered the results of the analysis of
>>> Extrado riny the tumor. It was expected that there would be
>> radiotherapy,
>>> But They will have to do unfortunately.
>>> This leads me to wonder if I should and can continue in office
>>> Secretary. This, because there podrasistir to reunin Singapore
>>> Now, neither the B Aires, because it fits right with pasanta that
>>> Have in Germany.However, others may attend meetings
>>> Dublin and the next as the treatment of my child ends in July.
>>> Also desempeando could continue my work as before, but
>>> Without the possibility to attend these meetings.
>>> Specifically, I would like to know if say if it will be better to give
>> up
>>> My secretary not to travel to these events, or if
>>> Possible to continue without attending to them.
>>> Attentive to your comments, and I regret this situation.
>>> A hug to both
>>> ---
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>>> For viruses.
>>> Http://
>> -
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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