[CCWG-ACCT] Timelines ...

Rudolph Daniel rudi.daniel at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 19:01:49 UTC 2015

LS:  quote...I want to reiterate again that there is no hard and fast
deadline for this transition.  September 2015 has been a target date
because that is when the base period of our contract with ICANN expires.
But this should not be seen as a deadline. If the community needs more
time, we have the ability to extend the IANA functions contract for up to
four years.  It is up to the community to determine a timeline that works
best for stakeholders as they develop a proposal that meets NTIA’s
conditions, but also works. end quote

Above remarks suggests that the community should call it's own deadline
that "works best" for stakeholders... if community feels that Sept 2015
date is unrealistic?

Rudi Daniel

*danielcharles consulting


On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 1:02 PM, Paul Rosenzweig <
paul.rosenzweig at redbranchconsulting.com> wrote:

> Colleagues
> Since "timelines" are to be discussed next week in Singapore (and since I
> will not be there) I wanted to raise a question/issue that has been
> troubling me for several weeks and with which I've been struggling in terms
> of reconciling a suitable answer.  My question begins with a single
> assumption -- that the CCWG recommends to the Board accountability changes,
> at least one of which requires a change in the Bylaws of ICANN.  That is by
> no means certain, of course, given our ongoing discussions but I think it
> is
> fair to characterize those discussions as making such a recommendation
> reasonably likely.
> Based on earlier conversations within the CCWG and input from Bruce Tonkin,
> here is what I understand the Bylaw amendment process to entail: (1) Board
> of Directors acceptance of the recommendation from the working group; (2)
> drafting of the specific wording of the bylaw amendment and corresponding
> changes to related provisions by the ICANN General Counsel's office; (3)
> posting of the proposed language for public review and comment, (in the
> past
> this seems typically to have been for 21 to 45 days); and, finally, (4) a
> formal vote to adopt the bylaw amendments, which requires a two-thirds
> majority of the Board.
> One final preliminary factual point.  Pursuant to the terms of the NTIA
> Functions Contract with ICANN:  "The Government may extend the term of this
> contract by written notice to the Contractor within 15 calendar days before
> the expiration of the contract; provided that the Government gives the
> Contractor a preliminary written notice of its intent to extend at least 30
> calendar days before the contract expires. The preliminary notice does not
> commit the Government to an extension."  In other words, if the NTIA were
> to
> choose to extend the contract it must provide preliminary notice to ICANN
> no
> later than August 31, 2015, and final notice of that decision no later than
> September 15, 2015.
> I am therefore uncertain how our timeline will fit with these requirements.
> I assume that in addition to the steps identified above there were need to
> be some interaction between the Board and NTIA by which NTIA would
> announces
> its conclusion that the proposed accountability measures (including the
> hypothetical Bylaw change) would satisfy the conditions that it has set for
> the transition.  I also assume that the Board would simultaneously begin
> the
> public consultation process for the Bylaw amendment but would not vote to
> formally adopt the amendment until after that process concludes and the
> review has concluded -- no point in adopting a Bylaw that NTIA deems
> inadequate or unnecessary.  And, finally, if a Bylaw amendment is necessary
> I assume that the NTIA would not renew the contract in the absence of a
> Bylaw amendment.  So this is the timeline I see right now:
> June 30 -- CCWG transmits recommendations for accountability
> July 31 -- Final deadline for submitting recommendations to Board by ICG
> August 1 -- Board submits proposals to NTIA and Community -- concurrent
> August 21 -- Board closes public Comment period/NTIA approves
> August 22 -- Board votes "yes"
> As you can see, this is remarkably tight and assumes immediate concurrence
> in all recommendations by the Board (which may or may not be a reasonable
> assumption) as well as the absence of pushback either from the NTIA or the
> broader community
> -- hence my concern with timelines.  This also assumes that in the end we
> agree that a commitment to implement a Bylaw change is sufficient for
> accountability purposes -- as opposed to the view of some (including me)
> that actual implementation is preferable.  It appears to me inevitable that
> NTIA will have to file a protective notice of extension on August 31.  And
> it seems almost equally certain that the NTIA will have to renew the
> contract.
> Is there a way to accelerate the timeline?  I assume not.  But I thought I
> would ask.  If there isn't then what is a realistic extension timeline?  6
> months?
> Regards
> Paul
> **NOTE:  OUR NEW ADDRESS -- EFFECTIVE 12/15/14 ***
> 509 C St. NE
> Washington, DC 20002
> Paul Rosenzweig
> paul.rosenzweig at redbranchconsulting.com
> O: +1 (202) 547-0660
> M: +1 (202) 329-9650
> Skype: +1 (202) 738-1739 or paul.rosenzweig1066
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Peake [mailto:adam.peake at icann.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 7:34 AM
> To: accountability-cross-community at icann.org
> Subject: [CCWG-ACCT] Draft agenda CCWG meeting with the Board
> Proposed draft agenda for CCWG meeting with the Board.  11 am to 12 noon.
> Sunday Feb 8 03:00 - 04:00 UTC
> (1)  A discussion about timelines, particularly around and leading up to
> ICANN 53 Buenos Aires
> (2) To clarify how the Board will handle CCWG's proposal, and any
> anticipated reasons why a proposal/part of a proposal might be refused?
> The anticipated process following any such refusal.
> (3) CCWG to provide an update of the two work avenues developed from the
> face-to-face discussions in Frankfurt, that is:
>   * mechanisms  that enable community empowerment over Board decisions with
> limited, strictly enumerated, last resort powers
>   * mechanisms to enhance review and redress processes
> The meeting is not yet on the ICANN 52 Schedule, but the CCWG wiki is
> update
> https://community.icann.org/display/acctcrosscomm/Meetings
> Includes all meetings of the CCWG during the week.
> Thank you,
> Adam
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