[CCWG-ACCT] Update on Board discussions on the CCWG Update

Nigel Roberts nigel at channelisles.net
Wed Nov 25 13:59:55 UTC 2015

On 25/11/15 13:44, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond wrote:

> So here's my question to everyone here: did you ever ask yourself why
> you have so little trust in people your community has voted for? This
> has been asked before and I have never heard a response that made sense.

A constitutional convention (for that is what this is) has to consider 
not whether we trust 'this current lot' (by and large we do so trust, 
except in the area of trying to influence the outcome of this process in 
their collective favour).

Rather we must consider whether we trust every possible board that could 
appear in the future.

Enough of us on this list have seen, in years gone by, ICANN stoop to 
what quite literally was, in some people's view, extortion.

On balance, I trust the current lot not to do that. (I certainly trust 
the directors from my SO own in that regard).

But we don't trust an ICANN, free of US Government restraint, in 
principle, to refrain from similar or worse behaviour in the future.

That's the whole reason that ICANN *must* be accountable to those whom 
it serves, not the other way around

One should never ask the question "don't you trust us?".

1.	It's usually asked by mountebanks. (I do not suggest you are one such).

2.	If you insist on asking that silly question, the literal answer 
invariably has to be 'No, we don't'".

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