[CCWG-ACCT] Notes-Recordings-Transcript link for CCWG Accountability Meeting #94 - 31 May 2016

MSSI Secretariat mssi-secretariat at icann.org
Tue May 31 22:31:52 UTC 2016

Hello all,

The notes, recordings and transcripts for CCWG Accountability Meeting #94 - 31 May 2016 will be available here:  https://community.icann.org/x/bkuAAw

A copy of the notes may be found below.

Thank you.

With kind regards,
Brenda Brewer
MSSI Projects & Operations Assistant
ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers


These high-level notes are designed to help you navigate through content of the call and do not substitute in any way the transcript.

1. Opening Remarks
*        Barrack Otieno on audio only

2. Budget discussion
*        TBenJemaa - Question about end of June deadline - just fiscal year. Work of sub-group is different than work parties. work of sub-groups is very
important. Important to have transcription and the help of staff to draft.
*        TR - ICANN fiscal year is the only reason. for the second question let us hear more views on these topics.
*        SBachollet - 2 points - support for travel and participation to meeting - why are the co-chairs different and should be revised. B meeting will do a lot
of work on WS2 topics and the co-chairs should participate. Second - Advisors - we should still have advisors.
*        OCavalli - Agree with Robin that not supporting members is not good. Diversity issue vs WS2 topics - how can we do this.
*        KArasteh - why do we need 9 groups? why not 4 or 20? Travel support is definitely an issue especially from developing economies.
*        PDeSilva - In favour of keeping the advisors. We may need to review areas of expertise for WS2 but we need them. We also need staff to draft documents.
*        JCarter - the topics are what they are and were agreed in Marrakech - they do not limit participation. Subgroups need to understand that they
cannot present their results to the CCWG as a fait accompli - the CCWG will decide.
*        TRickert - transcripts and drafting - leadership will take these back to the chartering organizations to see if there is support for this. Similarly, for travel
support. We need to come up with suggestions to streamline this and be more cost efficient vs WS1. Advisors we will get back to this later today.
*        RGross - transcripts are important. Advisors to join as other participants. CCWG MEMBERS should be supported to attend ICANN meeting. On combining some of the 9 topics - we need to be careful as some of those topics were already an amalgamation of a number of topics (transparency is an example of this).
*        TRickert - The 9 sub-teams seems an efficient approach but it is up to the group if they wish to readjust.
*        KArasteh - If a majority in favour of transcripts we should do it. 9 groups seems too large - combining some topics so we have less than 9 would facilitate
participation. How many other face to face meetings and reconsider travel support?
*        AGreenberg - if we have costs they should be shared. For B meetings flying people half way around the world for 1 day makes no sense.
*        TRickert - Advisors? keep or not?
*        ADoria - If we are talking about limiting travel support advisors are not an issue. Their voices were valuable in WS1 and they provide a view on out work to a
wider community. If the Advisors are not on our budget.
*        AGreenberg - if only travel expenses then we could decide when we need them at a meeting.
*        TRickert - we will work on the next version of this and then share with the group.
*        MWeill - JGannon - only 24 hours to finalize? we will try to negotiate an extension.

3. Preparation for WS2 kickoff in Helsinki
*        MWeill - this is to start our work on process so we do not have to do this in Helsinki.
*        MWeill - Diversity to be fixed on slide.
*        MWeill - Presentation of the slides.
*        Any questions comments?
*        JCancio - ad hoc meetings?
*        JHammer - issue of doing everything concurrently could create issues.
*        MWeill - yes the CCWG has to decide on this. This will be a challenge - but nothing is cast in stone at this point.
*        AGreenberg - ALAC will be discussing in Helsinki how to get more people involved in sub-groups who have something to contribute.
*        PTwomey - can people access the lightning talks remotely in Helsinki?
*        MWeill - yes interactive remote participation,  transcripts etc. for Helsinki. Mostly plenary time in Helsinki.
*        TBenJemaa - question sub-groups in charge in public comments or CCWG.
*        MWeill - its a CCWG public comment.
*        (chat) Holly J. Gregory (Sidley): Bernie and Robin, Please see para 54 of Annex 04:  "Guidelines for standards of conduct that will be presumed to be
in good faith  (for example, conducting reasonable due diligence as to the truthfulness of a statement) will be developed in Work Stream 2."
*        (chat) Steve DelBianco [GNSO - CSG]: Please try to review the document I circulated on 26-May, regarding how to synchronize ATRT3 and the 6 projects
in WS2 that are about Accountability too prior to Helsinki.

4. AOB
*        LSanchez - would like to request our lawyers to respond on the Articles of Incorporation public consultation. Any objections?
*        HGregory  - since these were drafted by Adler and reviewed by Sidley they do meet the CCWG requirements - no further comments needed.
*        JCancio - On articles I sent email and fits with what Holly said. It would be useful for us not following this closely to have a table to explain the changes vs our report.
*        LSanchez - we should certify this (footnotes)
*        (chat) jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland):  - a table explaining each change and what part of the CCWG or ICG report they originate from
*        (chat) Holly J. Gregory (Sidley): Yes Jorge.  We (Adler/Sidley)  can prepare.
*        LSanchez - no other business

5. Adjourned.

*        Agenda Item 2:  Budget Discussion:  knm CCWG-ACCT-Presentation_WS2 and FY17 estimates_V10BT.pdf<https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/58739566/knm%20CCWG-ACCT-Presentation_WS2%20and%20FY17%20estimates_V10BT.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1464720641000&api=v2>
*        Agenda Item 3:  Helsinki:  CCWG-Acct - WS2 plan and Helsinki agenda V4KM.pdf<https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/58739566/CCWG-Acct%20-%20WS2%20plan%20and%20Helsinki%20agenda%20V4KM.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1464719979000&api=v2>

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