[APRALO-Policy] UPDATE: Review of the Draft Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook – New gTLD Program, Public Comment Proceeding closing 2 Apr 2024

Phyo phyothiri.lwin at netmission.asia
Tue Apr 2 09:07:33 UTC 2024

Dear Justine,

Thank you for this opportunity and for your support always.

I believe this opportunity is my very first step for moving forward.

I really appreciate all who worked together.


On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 1:00 PM Justine Chew via Apralo-policy <
apralo-policy at icann.org> wrote:

> Dear APRALO Policy Forum Members,
> This is to let you know the latest on efforts put together to respond to
> the public comment proceeding for the Review of the Draft Applicant
> Support Program (ASP) Handbook – New gTLD Program
> <https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/review-of-the-draft-applicant-support-program-asp-handbook-new-gtld-program-12-02-2024>
> *.*
> We had originally hoped to pursue the development of an APRALO submission
> of this public comment proceeding, and an APRALO Small Team on ASP was set
> up for this purpose. The Small Team, which comprised several APRALO
> Leadership selected APF members, had reviewed the public comment supporting
> materials, identified and discussed comments for consideration over a
> period of February 9-28, 2024.
> However, as it transpired, our efforts thereafter shifted to the At-Large,
> in shepherding the ALAC/At-Large comments for the same, through the ICANN79
> At-Large Policy Discussion session held on 2 Mar, and continued through 3
> subsequent At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) calls where
> suggested positions were discussed by the At-Large Community.
>    - ICANN79 At-Large Policy Discussion session, 2 March 2024 (
>    https://sched.co/1a16J)
>    - CPWG Call, 13 Mar 2024 (*https://community.icann.org/x/FIDAEg*
>    <https://community.icann.org/x/FIDAEg>)
>    - CPWG Call, 20 Mar 2024 (*https://community.icann.org/x/aQDrEg*
>    <https://community.icann.org/x/aQDrEg>)
>    - CPWG Call, 27 Mar 2024 (https://community.icann.org/x/DwAZEw)
> Thus, even though we have not pursued an APRALO regional submission, we
> are pleased (and proud) to report that the Small Team contributed
> significantly to the positions discussed by At-Large and many of those
> proposed by the Small Team were eventually taken up in the ALAC Statement
> AL-ALAC-ST-0224-02-01-EN
> <https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/304611498/AL-ALAC-ST-0224-02-01-EN.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1711689555000&api=v2>
> that is now undergoing ALAC ratification and due to be submitted by 2 Apr.
> We would like to thank you for following and participating in those
> At-Large discussions, and we hope to find more opportunities to
> specifically engage with you to facilitate your interest in ICANN policy
> development work.
> I would also like to thank the following members of the APRALO Small Team
> on ASP for their willingness to collaborate under tight timelines to help
> generate and speak to APRALO's contributions to the At-Large's discussion
> on the Draft ASP Handbook:-
>    1. Cherie Lagakali
>    2. Mabda Haerunnisa Fajrilla Sidiq
>    3. Phyo Thiri L.
>    4. Faheem Soomro
>    5. Samik Kharel
> On behalf of the APRALO Leadership Team,
> *Justine Chew*
> Chair, *APRALO Policy Forum* <https://community.icann.org/x/TwDQC>
> -----
> On Fri, 1 Mar 2024 at 11:45, Justine Chew <justine.chew.icann at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Thank you for the reminder, Hiromitsu. I'm happy to inform that we will
>> be discussing the Draft ASP Handbook during the ICANN79 At-Large Policy
>> Discussion session on 16:15 San Juan (UTC -4), 2 March 2024 or 20:15 UTC, 2
>> March 2024 (details at https://sched.co/1a16J)
>> Please join us if you can.
>> Kind regards,
>> *Justine Chew*
>> Chair, *APRALO Policy Forum* <https://community.icann.org/x/TwDQC>
>> Schedule a call with me <https://calendar.app.google/zPXMVZgVihygftrA7>
>> -----
>> On Fri, 1 Mar 2024 at 10:31, Hiromitsu Higashi via Apralo-policy <
>> apralo-policy at icann.org> wrote:
>>> Dear APRALO Policy Forum members,
>>> Should you be interested, the following ICANN proceedings are open for
>>> community inputs.
>>>    1. *Review of the Draft Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook –
>>>    New gTLD Program
>>>    <https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/review-of-the-draft-applicant-support-program-asp-handbook-new-gtld-program-12-02-2024>*
>>> *Description:* ICANN is seeking input on whether each section of the Applicant
>>> Support Program (ASP) Handbook
>>> <https://community.icann.org/display/SPIR/ASP+%7C+Applicant+Support+Program?preview=/273448978/302350567/240212_DRAFT%20ASP%20Handbook.pdf>
>>>  accurately reflects the policy recommendations on Topic 17, Applicant
>>> Support, based on the recommendations of the Subsequent Procedures
>>> (SubPro) Policy Development Process (PDP) Final Report
>>> <https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/final-report-newgtld-subsequent-procedures-pdp-02feb21-en.pdf> and
>>> the guidance of the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) for Applicant Support
>>> <https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2023/correspondence/ggp-team-et-al-to-gnso-council-et-al-08dec23-en.pdf>
>>> .
>>> *Submission Link:* Inputs can be submitted here
>>> <https://comment.icann.org/forms/proceeding/535601f5-3adc-4c14-b465-c1d99fb43809?returnURI=https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/review-of-the-draft-applicant-support-program-asp-handbook-new-gtld-program-12-02-2024>
>>> .
>>> *Submission Deadline:* 2 April 2024, 23:59 (UTC)
>>>    2. *Proposed Bylaws Updates to Limit Access to Accountability
>>>    Mechanisms
>>>    <https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/proposed-bylaws-updates-to-limit-access-to-accountability-mechanisms-27-02-2024>*
>>> *Description:* ICANN is seeking input on a proposed amendment
>>> <https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/governance/proposed-updates-to-article-4-for-community-agreement-to-restrict-access-to-accountability-mechanisms-27-02-2024-en.pdf>
>>>  to Section 4.1 of the ICANN Bylaws
>>> <https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#article4>. The
>>> proposed Bylaws amendment would establish a process for the ICANN community
>>> to limit access to ICANN’s Reconsideration Request and Independent Review
>>> Processes (collectively, “Accountability Mechanisms") under specific
>>> circumstances, and in a streamlined manner.
>>> *Submission Link:* Inputs can be submitted here
>>> <https://comment.icann.org/forms/proceeding/bef835bd-d008-4a1e-8244-4ccc02394c59?returnURI=https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/proposed-bylaws-updates-to-limit-access-to-accountability-mechanisms-27-02-2024>
>>> .
>>> *Submission Deadline:* 15 April 2024, 23:59 (UTC)
>>> For more information, please refer to the ICANN Public Comment webpage
>>> <https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment>.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Hiromitsu Higashi
>>> Stakeholder Engagement Regional Analyst, APAC
>>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
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