[arabic-vip] doc structure for dicusssion

Andrew Sullivan ajs at anvilwalrusden.com
Thu Aug 11 21:01:49 UTC 2011

Dear colleagues,

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 08:15:57PM -0700, Sarmad Hussain wrote:
> -          I can only see 'Reserved Names' in the outline, is this because 'Blocked & Delegated Names' will be included in the 'Registration Process' section? 
> I meant the names which are reserved from registration before sunrise.  This is different from the reserved variant.  But the wording is confusing!!!  So we need to find out a more clear wording in case we need to include this.  I have included the other point more explicitly.

Perhaps it would help to make a distinction about truly reserved names
(i.e. that have no party to whom the name is attached at all), which
are reserved; and those names that are allocated but not delegated.
In the latter category, it seems to me, are "reserved variants".  The
latter are "reserved" just in the sense that they are associated with
some name that is itself delegated or that could be if the name
sponsor wanted it to be; but these "reserved variants" are themselves
not permitted to be delegated.  (We could call these "allocated but
not delegatable" to be quite clear.)

> -          Is there any differences between issues within ccTLDs vs. gTLDs ?
> Could you explain further?

There is at least one significant issue that I think it would be very
helpful for teams to explore.  In a ccTLD, there is a pretty clear
geopolitical context in which the domain itself sits.  Each country
code TLD is associated with a country, and therefore its population,
languages, and so on.  But in a gTLD case, there is no such context.
Names could be used by anyone anywhere, and they might be using the
name in a way that would not normally be expected in the context of a
ccTLD.  So, for instance, conflicts between character encodings that
might be an irritant where one language is strongly dominant might
become serious complications for a gTLD trying to deal with a
polylingistic world.  The (multiple) encoding of YEH is often
suggested in this context as the sort of thing that could be a really
big problem for a gTLD, but I'm sure you can think of better examples.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
ajs at anvilwalrusden.com

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