[arabic-vip] Issues Document

Siavash Shahshahani shahshah at irnic.ir
Thu Sep 1 15:58:18 UTC 2011

Dear Sarmad,
Thank you for the great combining work, well done. I wish to point out
something about the following:
a.	Management of Language and Variant Tables

The registry should decide what are the supported languages along with
defining language table and variants table for each supported language.
Here are some questions (about this issue) that each registry should

i.	What are the supported languages in the registry's TLD?
..... etc
I have trouble with the 'should' in the introduction. Why should it? If
you are registering an ASCII domain you are not required to discuss the
language. Language is taken care of by the requirements of registration; no
further limitations are needed. This will be very important by gTLDs. Note
that a label need not be carry a meaning in any language. The only sensible
requirement for the gTLD would be that its rules and regulations take care
of variants in a way that no threat to security and stability would ensue.
There is no universal solution for this; the solution would depend on the
character table used by the regisry. In the case of Arabic script,
depending on which subset of the UNICODE table you are allowing for
registration, your requirements will differ; no reference to 'language' is

On Tue, 30 Aug 2011 16:32:08 -0700, "Sarmad Hussain"
<sarmad.hussain at kics.edu.pk> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Thank you for the feedback so far.  
> I have incorporated comments from Fahd, Dr. Al-Zoman and also included
> change due to our final discussions on dispute resolution, and end user.

> Please find attached an updated version for your review and further
> feedback.
> I wish all of you a happy Eid and we will have our conference call on
> Tuesday, 6th Sept.
> Regards,
> Sarmad

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