[arabic-vip] IDN VIP - Arabic Script Case Study Definitions Doc. 19Sep11

Sarmad Hussain sarmad.hussain at kics.edu.pk
Wed Sep 21 02:33:54 UTC 2011

>>Please find attached the Definitions Document 

Thanks Manal for putting this together.

>>Except for the brand new definitions, all resources are referenced as
>>footnotes for definitions that were either copied or modified from
>>sources such as Unicode, RFCs or the Draft Definitions Document
>>circulated by ICANN ...

>>There are also a few more definitions such as glyph, font, writing
>>style, .... etc that Sarmad suggested we add to our document in order
>>to have a complete set of all the definitions we need whether they are
>>already defined or not .. Due to my lack of experience, I have not
>>found clear definitions to some of of those terms though and would
>>appreciate your feedback whether those are accurately defined ..

We would request ICANN VIP team to kindly revise the definition of the
generic terms which are applicable across all scripts, e.g. glyph, font,
allocated, delegated, etc.

>>I do apologize for a bunch of new definitions that were not discussed
>>during our f-2-f meeting, but those are necessary and were kindly
>>suggested by Sarmad later as a replacement to the Language Table
>>definition ..

The FOO Table = "Label Generation Policy".  This name is proposed as it is
high level and free of implementation details.  This policy may eventually
be implemented as a table, XML document, etc.  The name focuses on the
purpose of the FOO table, to generate labels, its variants, etc.  If you
have any suggestions on alternate names etc. please feel free to get back to

>>Finally I would highly appreciate, to the extent possible, sending your
>>comments in track changes to the attached version of the document to
>>facilitate merging all the updates .. I believe this document is due by
>>next Thurs., Sarmad or Baher may be able to confirm this

Let us have the final comments within this week by Friday on this and the
issues document (circulated separately).


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