[bc-gnso] Draft STI Report - V4 for your review

Marilyn Cade marilynscade at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 10 12:48:27 UTC 2009

Excellent points, Philip.I am just trying to recall, though, what the current practice on minority reports has been on Council reports. You (Philip) will be the expert on this point -- I was just recalling that many years ago,when I charied the TF on WHOIS, the Minority report was noted in the introduction, but was attached so that it could be read in its entirety.  We did make reference in the body that there was a minority report....
What has been the current practice within the Council's prepared reports on minority reports? 
It looked to me like the STI group wasn't sympathetic to incorporating the detailed objections into the body of the report. 
I also join Philip and others in thanking Zahid and Mike and Phil Corwin for their work on this group. It was a LOT of hard work.  
I am disappointed that we aren't getting some of the key elements that the BC had asked for and I think provided rational support for.   This working group had a very tough assignment.  My appreciation to the BC members on their work, and contributions. 
Marilyn Cade

From: philip.sheppard at aim.be
To: bc-gnso at icann.org
Subject: [bc-gnso] Draft STI Report - V4 for your review
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 10:09:14 +0100

once again many 
thanks for your work on this.
It is absolutely 
essential that we do not let go of this opportunity to right a major flaw in the 
current proposals for new TLDs.
So AIM supports the 
position you are taking.
reports from constituencies
Personally I believe 
the shifting of minority report detail from constituencies to an annex is a bad 
It compromises the 
essential communication and provides a false perception of unanimity. 

Footnotes and 
annexes are not expected to contain substantive material relevant to a decision 
When they do it is 
typically a result of an intent to mislead.
If we have lost this 
argument on the STI group so be it.
But it is worth 
making this higher level point and perhaps raising the principle to Council or 
one of the admin groups to establish a general policy about the construct of 
Council reports.
On minority 
opinion WITHIN the BC
We do try to work by 
consensus and have a system in place to solve disputes by debate or ultimately 
by vote.
When time does not 
allow for that it may be appropriate to provide decision makers with relevant 
information on disagreement and so mention specifically the organisations 
objecting. That way the rationale of the objection can be understood in context. 

Hope this helps. 

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